Mariano Calderón

Mariano Calderón

Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow
Chair of Development Economics / CeMIS, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vollmer

Mariano is a Pre-Doctoral research fellow at the Chair of Development Economics / CeMIS, where he contributes to research on the institutional causes of the industrial revolution in England. He is interested in labour economics, economics of education, economic history and inequality. Mariano holds a MSc in Development Economics from the University of Göttingen and a BSc in Economics with a minor in Political Science from the University of Cologne, Germany. He is a national from Guatemala and has previously worked in applied research institutes like the German Economic Institute (IW) and the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Mariano is also active as a consultant for the International Labour Organization (ILO), conducting field impact evaluations of labour market interventions and other empirical work employing labour force and enterprise surveys.

Curriculum Vitae: CV

Master's thesis
Long-term impacts of violent conflict: Evidence from the Guatemalan Civil War
Supervisors: Sebastian Vollmer, Amal Ahmad


  • Faktencheck Verteilung: Bayern und Gesamtdeutschland im Vergleich, Gutachten im Auftrag der Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. (vbw), Köln / Berlin (2023) (with Judith Niehues and Maximilian Stockhausen).

  • How is prosperity distributed in Germany? A combined analysis of income and wealth, in: IW-Trends, 47. Jg., Nr. 3, S. 39-60 (2020) (with Judith Niehues and Maximilian Stockhausen).

  • IW-Distribution Report 2020: Stable conditions despite growing social challenges, IW-Report, Nr.8, Köln (2020) (with Maximilian Stockhausen).