RABENHORST, Gottlob Ludwig 1806 - 1881
born: Treuenbrietzen (Mark Brandenburg) died: Meißen
Pharmacist in Luckau (1831 - 40), then private scholar in Dresden.. From 1875 in Meißen. Botanist, in particular cryptogam researcher. Published numerous exsiccate.

Biography: Bot. Centralbl. 7: 379 - 383. 1881.
Hedwigia 20: 113 - 120. 1881.
ADB 27: 89- 92. 1888.
DAB 2: 510 - 511. 1978.
DÖRFELT & HEKLAU 1998: 406.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 390-391.
GOET: As publisher and partly collector:

Bryophytes: "Bryotheca europaea (et extraeuropaea)" 29 Fasc. (Fasc.
28/29 ed. G. WINTER), 1450 Nr. "Hepaticae europaeae" 66 Decaden
(from 21. with C: M. GOTTSCHE). 660 Nr.
Lichens: "Lichenes Europaei exsiccati" (ex Hb. Solms, inserted).
Algae: "Die Algen Sachsens" continued as "Die Algen Europas", in
total 257 Decaden with 2570 Nr.
Fungi: "Fungi Europaei exsiccati" Cent. XIV. a few spec.are also
inserted in the general herbarium. Compare the fungi exsiccatae with the
Index from J. KOHLMEYER 1962, Beih. Nov. Hedwigia 4.-Taxon 16:
112 - 119. 1967.
Pteridophytes: "Cryptogamae vasculares Europaeae", only a few
specimens (?).

RAPP, Severin 1853 - 1941
born: Schramberg, Württemberg died: Sanford, Florida
Emigrated to America in 1883. Cobbler in Sanford. Became interested in botany from ca. 1907 onwards (especially bryology).

Biography: BNUB
GOET: Bryophytes, 22 Nr. from Florida, 1929 - 35 in VERDOORN, Hepaticae.

RAUSCHER, Robert 1806 - 1890
born: Brünn (Brno) died: Linz
Lawyer and tax officer in Vienna and Linz (final post in the tax office). Botanist.

Biography: Verh. Naturf. Ver. Brünn 28, Sitzungsber.: 38 - 39. 1890 (about his
herbarium); 29, Sitzungsber.: 21 - 22. 1891.
Acta Hort. Berg. 3 (2): 84. 1903.
Herbarium: Brünn (BRNM oder BRNU ?)
GOET: Upper Austria (in Fl. Exs. Austro - Hung.).


GOET: Alps, Bohemia, ca. 1871 (Hb. Pet.).

RECHINGER, Karl 1867-1952
born and died: Vienna
Studied in Vienna. Assistant at the botanic gardens Vienna, from 1902 – 1922 curator at the Botanical Department of the Nature History Museum.

Biography: FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 395.
Herbarium: W
GOET: some specimens in Flora exsiccata austro-hungarica.

RECHINGER, Karl - Heinz 1906 - 1998
born: Vienna died: Vienna
Botanist and systematist. Outstanding knowledge of the flora of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Numerous expeditions, in particular to Greece, Iran and Afghanistan. From 1929 onwards at the botanical department at the natural history museum in Vienna, which he was in charge of from 1938. Became the first director of the natural history museum in 1963.

Biography: Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien 75: 1 - 16. 1971 (in RECHINGER festschrift).
Pl. Syst. Evol. 155: 1-14. 1987.
Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien 98 B: 2-8. 1996 (personal reminiscences).
Watsonia 22: 447-449. 1999.
Taxon 48: 419-426. 1999.
Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 69/70: 191-193. 2000.
Herbarium: W and G.
GOET: Centaurea and related genera, Turkey, Iran.

REGEL, Albert von 1845 - 1908
born: Zurich died: ?
Doctor in Kuldscha and "travelling botanist" at the botanical gardens in St. Petersburg. Collected specimens in Central Asia from 1876 - 84.

Biography: Gartenflora 30: 418. 1881 (Itin.).
Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 9: 446 - 447. 1888.
BRETSCHNEIDER 1898: 1036 - 1037.
ASCH. & GR. 6 (1): 25. 1900.
Herbarium: LE
GOET: Central Asia "Iter turkestanicum", 1877 - 79 (acc. 1890).

REGEL, Eduard August (von) 1815 - 1892
born: Gotha died: St. Petersburg
Trained as gardener in Gotha, Göttingen, Bonn and Berlin. Head gardener at the botanical gardens in Zurich from 1842 - 1855, also lecturer at the university. Director of the botanical gardens in St. Petersburg from 1855. Founder of the Russian horticulture association. Published the "Gartenflora". Numerous gardening publications and botanical works concerning a few plant groups (in particular Betulaceae, Allium) and the Central Asia flora.

Biography: RATZEBURG 1872.
Ver. Zool. - Bot. Ges. Wien 42, Abh.: 260 - 304. 1892.
BRETSCHNEIDER 1898: 1062 - 1064.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 395-396.
Herbarium: LE
GOET: Russia: "Fl. Petropol." (partly in Hb. Gris.).

REGNELL, Anders Fredrik 1807 - 1884
born: Stockholm died: Caldas, Minas Geraës.
Doctor in Stockholm. Emigrated to Brazil in 1840. Doctor in Caldas, Geraës province (from 1841). Plant collector.

Biography: Bot. Notis.1884: 168 - 169. 1884.
Acta Hort. Berg. 3 (2): 182. 1903.
Fl. Bras. 1(1): 86. 1906.
Herbarium: S
GOET: Brazil, Minas Geraës province and S. Paulo, ca. 1848 - 65 (ex Hb. S.).

REHM, Heinrich Simon Ludwig Friedrich Felix 1824 - 1916
born: Ederheim near Nördlingen died: Munich - Neufriedenheim
Doctor (in several places including Sugenheim, Windsheim, Lohr a. M. and Regensburg). Finally worked as ”Landgerichtsarzt ” (regional court doctor). Lichenologist.

Biography: Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 16: 10 - 13. 1917.
PONGRATZ 1963: 114 - 115.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 396.
Herbarium: M (?)
GOET: Lich (Hb. Solms), also in the exsiccatae from ARNOLD.

REICHENBACH, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig 1793 - 1879
born: Leipzig died: Dresden
Doctor and naturalist. 1820; Prof. of natural history at the medical surgery academy in Dresden. Director of the natural history museum and botanical gardens. Botanist and zoologist. Wrote numerous extensive works which he illustrated himself.

Biography: W. HAAN, Sächsisches Schriftsteller - Lexikon, p. 276 - 282. Leipzig 1875.
Österr. Bot. Z. 29: 134 - 135. 1879.
ADB 27: 667 - 668.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 398-399.
Herbarium: The old collections were burnt in 1849.
GOET: Edit. "Flora germanica exsiccata" (A few specimens ex Hb. Inst. Waldbau).

REIMANN, Karl 1843 - 1904
born: Berlin died: Linz
Engineer and botanist (flora).

Biography: ASCH. & GR. 2 (1): 590. 1901.
Biogr. Jahrb. 10: 90. 1907.
GOET: Berlin, Hungary, Tatra (1864).

REIN, Johannes Justus 1835 - 1918
born: Raunheim, Hessen died: Bonn
Geographer. Initially worked as teacher, including a post as private tutor in the Bermudas from 1861 - 63. Study trip to Japan (1873 - 75) on contract from the Prussian government. Odinary prof. of geography in Marburg and Bonn.

Biography: Symb. Ant. 3: 110. 1902.
Geogr. Z. 24: 331 - 342. 1918.
Ber. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. 49: 139 - 142. 1919.
Herbarium: B (†, see also URBAN 1917: 126)
GOET: Japan (acc. 1877). After Symb. Ant. also plants from the Bermudas (only Alg.

REINECK, Eduard Martin 1869 - 1931
born: Arnstadt died: Weimar (?)
Trained as gardener. Plant collector, collected specimens in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil from 1896 - 99. Finally settled in Weimar.

Biography: Fl. Bras. 1(1): 86 - 87. 1906.
Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ver. N. F. 40: XIII, XVI. 1931 (Obituary).
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 403.
GOET: Brazil (with CZERMAK) "Herbarium Brasiliense", 1897 - 99, ca. 100 Nr.

Revisions: J. BRIQUET & G. HOCHREUTINER 1899, Annu. Conserv. Jard. Bot.
Genève 3: 147 - 175. (Comments: The numbering here is evidently different
to those given in the published exsiccate.).

REINECKE, Karl Lorenz 1854 - 1934
born and died in Erfurt
Teacher at a primary school in Erfurt. Botanist. "Flora von Erfurt" (1914).

Biography: Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ver. N. F. 42: III. 1935.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 403-404.
Herbarium: ”Heimatmuseum” in Erfurt (?)
GOET: A few specimens from Thüringen, Erfurt (Hb. Pae., Vo.).

REINHARDT, Otto Wilhelm Hermann 1838 - 1924
born: Potsdam died: Berlin
Teacher at a trade school in Berlin. Botanist (flora and bryology) and conchologist. Co-founder of the botanical society in Brandenburg province. Friends with P. ASCHERSON.

Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 67: 7 - 11. 1925.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 404.
GOET: Mark Brandenburg, Sardinia (see also ASCHERSON) (Hb. Pae.).
Bryophytes (Hb. Schell.).

RENSCH, Carl (Karl) 1837 - 1905
born: Eisleben died: Berlin (?)
Teacher in Merseburg and Halle, and then later as rector in Berlin. Botanist. Was head of the Berlin botanical exchange society for several years.

Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 47: IL - L. 1906.
Herbarium: GE
GOET: Germany, Austria (Hb. Pae.).

REUSS (Reuß), August Emanuel Ritter von 1811 - 1873
born: Bilin died: Vienna
Doctor in Bilin as well as doing some geological / palaeontological work. Prof. for mineralogy at the university of Prague and (from 1863) in Vienna. Palaeontologist. Owned an extensive herbarium.

Biography: Österr. Bot. Z. 24: 33. 1874.
Alman. Kais. Akad. Wiss., Wien 24: 129 - 151. 1874.
Herbarium: B
GOET: Vienna, 1865 - 67.

REUTER, Georges François 1805 - 1872
born: Paris died: Geneve
Trained as engraver. Researched the flora of Geneve. Curator of the DE CANDOLLE herbarium and later of the BOISSIER herbarium. Worked with BOISSIER.

Biography: Bot. Zeitung. 30: 590 - 594. 1872 (personal memories of REICHENBACH
fil., information partly false).
Musées de Genève 75: 5 - 7. 1967.
Herbarium: G
GOET: A few specimens from France, Spain, ca. 1841 / 43 (Hb. Bg., Gris.).

REVERCHON, Elisée 1835 - 1914
born: Lyon died: Miribel (Ain)
Plant collector (in several places including French west Alps, Corsica, Sardinia, Crete, Spain, Algeria). Information concerning place of collection is not always reliable.

Biography and Itin.: BRIQUET, J. 1910: Prodr. Fl. Corse 1: LV.
Bull. Soc. Bot. France 30: CXXVIII - CXXIX. 1884.
BURNAT & CAVILLIER 1941: 77 - 78.
GOET: Crete, Corsica, Sardinia, Basses Alps, Spain (partly in BAENITZ,
Herb. Europ., mostly Hb. Vo.).

RICHTER, Ludwig (Lajos) 1844 - 1917
born: Tó-Almás near Jászberény died: Budapest
Private officer, ("Privatbeamter") in Budapest. Plant collector, owner of a large herbarium.

Biography: ASCH. & GR. 4: 866. 1913; 6(2): 921. 1908.
Mag. Bot. Lap. 16: 182 - 183. 1917.
GOET: Hungary, Budapest, 1873 - 76 (Hb. Roth). Istria (in BAENITZ; Hb. Vo.).

RIEDEL, Ludwig 1790 - 1861
born: Berlin died: Rio de Janeiro
Gardener and later plant collector. 1820 - 30 and 1831 - 36; collected specimens in Brazil for the botanical gardens in St. Petersburg. Later head of the botanical gardens and herbarium in Rio de Janeiro.

Biography: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18, Beibl. 44: 10 - 21. 1894.
Fl. Bras. 1 (1): 89 - 91. 1906.
Herbarium: LE
GOET: Brazil, ca. 1824 - 33 (acc. 1865, 1890 ex LE). Most are without information
concerning the exact place of collection; this information was evidently not
transferred to the duplicates.


GOET: Australia: N. S. Wales, 1858 - 62.

RIGO, Gregorio 1841 - 1922
born and died in Torri del Benaco
Pharmacist in Torri del Benaco, North Italy. Plant collector.

Biography: ASCH. & GR. 6 (1): 800. 1904.
Österr. Bot. Z. 72: 124. 1923.
GOET: North Italy, ca. 1868 - 78 (Hb. Pae.), see also PORTA.

ROCHOW, Margita von (VILLARET - von ROCHOW) 1921 - 1974
died: Lausanne
Botanist (vegetation science and palynology). Ca. 1948 - 56; scientific worker at the systematic - geobotanical institute at the university of Göttingen. Married P. VILLARET in 1957, prof. of botany in Lausanne.

GOET: South west Germany, in particular Kaiserstuhl, Schwarzwald, Allgäu.

RODSCHIED, Ernst Karl - ca. 1802
born: Hanau died: Surinam (Guyana)
Doctor (studied in Marburg) and botanist. Emigrated to Surinam (Guyana) in 1790.

Biography: Bot. Zeitung., Regensburg 2: 25. 1803 (Obituary).
Matrikel Univ. Marburg.
Information Univ. - Archiv Marburg.
Herbarium: GOET: Guyana (Essequibo estuary) (Hb. Mey.).
See also E. K. RODSCHIED 1792: Reisebeschreibung nach Rio Essequebo
in Guiana...Med. Phys. J., ed. BALDINGER 7. 28: 57 - 89.

Revisions: G. F. W. MEYER 1818: Primitiae florae essequeboensis. Göttingen.
(holotypes at Göttingen).

ROEMER, Carl (Karl) Ferdinand (1818-1891)
born: Hildesheim died: Breslau
Brother of Friedrich Adolph R. Studied the laws in Göttingen, natural history in Berlin, Ph. D. Berlin 1842. 1848 private lecturer for mineraology and geology in Bonn. 1855, ordinary prof. of mineralogy in Breslau. Geologist, mineralogist and paleontologist. 1845-48, expedition in the US (mainly Texas).

Biography: ADB 53: 451-458. 1907.
Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Geol. Palaeont. 1892 I(3): 9-32. 1892 (Bibl.).
Bonplandia 28: 31-32, 43-46, 63-67. 1892.
Schles. Lebensbilder 1: 277-279. 1922.
SEELAND 1936: 20.
POGGENDORF VII a, Suppl.: 555-556. 1971.
Natur & Museum 121: 381-386.1991 (Portr., Langer); 387-399. 1991.
GOEBEL, V. W. & STEIN, H. Ferdinand Roemers Reise nach Nordamerika
1845-1847. In: R. W. KECK (Edit.), Gesammelte Welten. p. 337-392. –
GOET: Some specimenes from the US.

ROEMER, Friedrich Adolph 1809 - 1869
born: Hildesheim died: Clausthal
Studied in Göttingen (law and botany). Secretary ("Amtsassessor") in Hildesheim, Bovenden and Clausthal. Lecturer at the mining school in Clausthal from 1846 where he later became director. Geologist, palaeontologist and botanist.

Biography: Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 22: 96 - 102. 1870.
ADB 29: 120 - 122. 1889.
SEELAND 1936: 16 - 18.
WAGENITZ 1988: 148.
G. MÜLLER 1998: Friedrich Adolph Roemer. Ein Leben für die Wissenschaft.
In: R. W. KECK (Edit.), Gesammelte Welten. p. 104-120. – Hildesheim.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 415-416.
GOET: Algae, collected from around Göttingen and in the Harz in ca. 1844, also
including types for: F. A. ROEMER 1845, Die Algen Deutschlands.
Bryophytes (Hb. Hild. ex Hb. Schlauter).

RÖSE, August David Friedrich Carl 1821 - 1873
born: Kabarz (Thür.) died: Schnepfenthal ?
Teacher at the Borstal (”Erziehungsanstalt”) in Schnepfenthal (Thüringen Forest). Botanist, in particular bryologist.

Biography: ADB 29: 185 - 186. 1889.
Festschrift 100jährigen Jubelfeier Erziehungsanstalt Schnepfenthal, p. 185 - 194.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 416-417.
GOET: Bryophytes, Thüringen (partly in RABENHORST, bryotheca & hepat.).

RÖSSIG, Heinrich 1868 - 1940
born: Achtum near Hildesheim died: Hildesheim
Theologist. Studied biology from 1901 - 03, Ph. D in zoology. Priest in several dioceses including in Clausthal - Zellerfeld, Henneckenrode, Marienrode and Sottrum. Botanist, bryologist.

Biography: SEELAND 1940, Mitt. Roemer - Mus. 45: 11 - 12.
Hercynia 3: 591 - 592. 1944.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 417.
Herbarium: GOET, south Hanover (especially around Hildesheim), also bryophytes (ex Hb.

Revisions of mosses: F. KOPPE 1944, Hercynia 3: 588 - 607.

ROSS, Hermann 1862 - 1942
born: Danzig died: Munich
Trained gardener. Studied natural sciences. Assistant in Munich and Palermo (where he also became a lecturer). Dairy owner in Palermo. Lived in Munich from 1897 where he was curator of the botanical gardens and later at the botanical museum (finally as prof. and head of department). Botanist, especially interested in the flora of Sicily, specialist on galls.

Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 60: (177)-(185). 1943.
Herbarium: M
GOET: Sicily ("Herbarium Siculum"), ca. 1884 - 1907 (ca. 850 Nr., acc. 1899 -
1916). Mexico, 1906 (a few specimens).

ROSSI, Ludwig (Ljudevit) 1850 – 1930/32 ?
born: Senj (Kroatia)
Officer (finally in ”Majorsrang”). Botanist (flora).

Biography: Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb 5: 1 - 6. 1930 (on the occasion of his 80th
Herbarium: ZA
GOET: Yugoslavia "Flora Croatica" ca. 1889 - 96 (Hb. Vo.).

ROSTAN, Édouard (Edoardo) 1826 - 1895
born and died in S. Germano - Chisone (Piemont)
Doctor in Perrero and S. Germano - Chisone. Interested in the flora of the Cottish Alps.

Biography: Malpighia 8: 540 - 542. 1895.
ASCH. & GR. 3: 146. 1905.
Herbarium: B (see also Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 74: 214. 1933).
GOET: Italy, Piemont "Exsiccata Pedemontana" (Hb. Gris., a few specimens).

ROTH, Albrecht Wilhelm 1757 - 1834
born: Dötlingen (Oldenburg) died: Vegesack near Bremen
Doctor in Vegesack near Bremen, botanist.

Biography: Flora 17: 753 - 763. 1834.
ADB 29: 305. 1889.
Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 19: 280 - 289. 1908.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 419-421.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: A few specimens, mostly cult. (Hb. Mey.).

ROTH, Ernst Carl Ferdinand 1857 - 1918
born: Berlin died: Halle / Saale
Botanist and librarian. Studied in Strasbourg i. E. and Berlin. 1883 - 86; assistant at the botanical gardens and botanical museum in Berlin. Later worked as librarian in Berlin and Halle and from 1904 onwards as head of the Leopoldina library.

Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 62: 35. 1920.
Deutsch. Biogr. Jahrb. 2: 702. 1928.
BADER 1925: Lexikon deutscher Bibliothekare. Leipzig. p. 214.
Englera 1: 96 - 97. 1979.
Herbarium: GOET (163 fasc., acc. 1890). His own collections (ca. 1872 - 1882)
especially from Berlin, Mark Brandenburg, Holstein, Baden, Alsace.

ROTHPLETZ, August 1853 - 1918
born: Neustadt a. d. H died: Oberstdorf i. Allgäu
Geologist. Lived in Munich from 1882 where he became ordinary prof. in 1904 as successor to ZITTEL. Travelled in almost all European countries as well as North Africa and North America.

Biography: Mitt. Geogr. Ges. München 13: 359 - 363. 1919.
Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 70, B. Monatsber.: 15 - 35. 1918.
POGGENDORFF, Handwörterb. 7a1, Suppl.: 563 - 564. 1971.
GOET: Canary islands (Teneriffe), 1887 - 88, partly determined by PETER or
BEHRENS, partly undetermined.

RUDIO, Franz 1811 - 1877
born: Weilburg, Hessen died: Porto do Cachoeiro, Espirito Santo, Brazil
Pharmacist in Weilburg, emigrated 1858 to Brazil.

Biography: Fl. Bras. 1(1): 92. 1906.
GOET: Bryophytes, Brazil.

RÜGGEBERG, Hermann Karl August 1886 - 1967
born: Lilienthal, Osterholz district (Hanover province). died: Celle
Teacher ("Studienrat" in Celle) and botanist. Studied in Göttingen and Munich. Ph.D thesis about lichens. District environmental representative 1925 - 39 and 1945 - 63.

Biography: GRUMMANN 1974.
Sachsenspiegel no. 39 (supplement to the "Celleschen Zeitung" from 23. 10.
1976) and written correspondence from his son, Uwe R. (see the institutes
WAGENITZ 1988: 150.
Herbarium: Phanerogams: Family owned.
Lichens: GOET (135 Nr.). Specimens for H. RÜGGEBERG 1910:
Die Lichenen des östlichen Weserberglandes (Diss. phil. Univ. Göttingen). -
Jahresber. Niedersächs. Bot. Ver. 3: 1 - 82. 1911.

RUGEL, Ferdinand Ignatius Xavier 1806 - 1879
born: Weingarten (Baden) died: Jefferson Co., Tenn.
Pharmacist. 1837 - 40; botanical expedition in Switzerland and in southern Europe. 1840; to USA and 1849 on Cuba. Later in Knoxville (Tenn.), doctor and pharmacist and later as farmer.

Biography: Symb. Ant. 3: 115 - 116. 1902.
Taxon 22: 383 - 385. 1973.
Herbarium: NA
GOET: A few specimens from Cuba (Hb. Gris.).

RUHMER, Gustaf Ferdinand 1853 - 1883
born: Rauden (Upper Silesia) died: Schmalkalden
Botanist. 1877 - 83; assistant at the botanical museum in Berlin - Schöneberg. In Libya 1882 - 83.

Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 25: XXVIII. 1884.
Englera 1: 97 - 98. 1979.
Herbarium: B (?)
GOET: A few specimens from Thüringen, Mark Brandenburg. Libya: "Flora
Cyrenaica" 1882 / 83 (Hb. Pae., Roth).

RUPRECHT, Franz Joseph 1814 - 1870
born: Freiburg i.Br. died: St. Petersburg
Botanist (flora, systematics of grasses and algae). Studied medicine in Prague. Curator of the botanical collection in St. Petersburg from 1839 and director of the botanical museum from 1855. Travelled in areas east of Archangelsk (1841) and in Caucasus (1860 / 61).

Biography: Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb. 16, Suppl.: 1 - 21. 1871.
RATZEBURG 1872: 448 - 449.
ADB 29: 748 - 753. 1889.
Russk. Biogr. Slov. 17: 610 - 614. 1908.
GOCZOL 1972: 173 - 178 (Bibl.).
Herbarium: LE, KAZ (?)
GOET: A few specimens, Gramineae.

RUTHE, Johann Gustav Rudolf 1823 - 1905
born: Frankfurt a. O. died: Swinemünde
Son of the botanist Johann Friedrich RUTHE. Vet in Bärwalde (Neumark), later as district vet in Swinemünde. Botanist and bryologist.

Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 47: LI - LVI. 1906.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 427-428.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: Bryophytes, Neumark, Pomerania (Hb. Solms, Schell.), incl. a few isotypes.
Also in RABENHORST, Bryotheca and Hepaticae.

See also: R. RUTHE 1867: Verzeichnis der in der Umgebung von Bärwalde in der Neumark
beobachteten Moose nebst Bemerkungen zu einigen Arten. Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov.
Brandeburg 9: 44 - 75.

RUTHSATZ, Barbara Jutta 1939 -
born: Osnabrück
Botanist (vegetation science). In Chile (Valdivia) in 1965 / 66 on a research scholarship. 1966 - 70; scientific assistant at the systematic - geobotanical institute at the University of Göttingen. Research and teaching in Buenos Aires from 1970 - 74. Habilitated at the University of Göttingen in 1977. Prof. at the TU Munich (Weihenstephan) from 1977. Prof. at the University of Trier from 1981.

Biography: communicated by herself
GOET: Phanerogames from Spain, Cyper. and Poaceae from Canada (1983).
Bryophytes from southern Chile.