Financial Aid

The University of Göttingen and the University of Talca do not offer any scholarship directly; nevertheless there are a limited number of scholarships available through the DAAD for Latin American Applicants. The scholarships applicants must full fill some additional requirements besides:

  • At least two years of professional experience.

  • The maximum age is 36 years.

If you are interested in applying for this scholarships, please fill out the DAAD formulary and sent it along with your application.

Applications for this scholarship programme will be accepted until July 31st, 2013 at the German Embassy in your home country or August 15th, 2013 at the University of Göttingen/Talca.

There are many Institutions that offer financial aid to potential candidates. In the following section we provide you with some of them. For information about the institutions scholarship programmes, please contact directly to the institution

Deutscher Akademischer Austausch-Dienst (DAAD), Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn,
Tel.: ++49 (0) 2 28/8 82-0; Internet:

Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V. (OBS), Kennedyallee 105-107, 53175 Bonn
Tel.: ++49 (0) 2 28/81 63-0; Internet:

Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft (CDG), Hohenstauffenring 30 - 32, 50674 Köln
Tel.: ++49 (0) 2 21/20 98-0; Internet:

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Rathausallee 12, 53757 Sankt Augustin
Tel.: ++ 49 (0) 22 41/2 46-0; Fax: ++49 (0) 22 41/2 46-660; Internet:

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Godesberger Allee 149, 53170 Bonn
Tel.: ++ 49 (0) 2 28/8 83-0; Fax: ++49 (0) 2 28/8 83-697; Internet:

Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung (FNS), Postfach 90 01 64, 14437 Potsdam-Babelsberg
Tel.: ++49 (0) 3 31/70 19-349, Fax: 03 31/70 10-222; Internet:

Hanns-Seidel Stiftung (HSS), Lazarettstr. 33, 80636 München
Tel.: ++49 (0) 89/12 58-300; Fax: ++49 (0) 89/12 12 58-403; Internet:

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS), Rosenthaler Str. 40-41, 10178 Berlin
Tel.: ++49 (0) 30/2 85 34-401; Fax: ++49 (0) 30/2 85 34-109; Internet:

Catholic: Katholische Akademische Ausländer-Dienst (KAAD), Hausdorffstr. 151, 53129 Bonn
Tel.: ++49 (0) 2 28/9 17 58-0, Fax: ++49 (0) 2 28/9 17 58-58; Internet:

Ecumenical: Ökumenisches Studentenwerk (OESW), Girondelle 80, 44799 Bochum
Tel.: ++49-(0) 234-93882-0

Lutheran: Deutsches Nationalkomitee des Lutherischen Weltbundes - Stipendienreferat -, Diemershaldenstraße 45, 70184 Stuttgart
Tel.: ++49-(0)711-2159362;

Rotary International, One Rotary Center, 1560 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201, USA
Tel: ++1-847-866-3000, Fax: ++1-847-328-8554 or 847-328-8281; Internet:

Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst e.V. (EED), Ulrich-von Hassell-Str. 76 • 53123 Bonn
Tel: +49 (0)228 8101-0, Fax: +49 (0)228 8101-160; Internet:

The DAAD Web site contains a powerful Scholarship searching tool. There you can look for scholarships by country, field of Study and level of study. You can access such page on the following address: =>