Curriculum Vitae
Studies of Political Science, History and Public Law at the University of Heidelberg and at the University of Kentucky. Magister Artium, 2000.

Junior Researcher at the Non-governmental Organisation Werkstatt Ökonomie e. V., Heidelberg (2000–2002), at the Oswald von Nell-Breuning-Institute for Economic and Social Ethics in Frankfurt/Main (2002–2007) and Senior Researcher at the University of Vechta (2008).

Doctor phil. at the University of Marburg, June 2007.

Senior Researcher at the Chair for Comparative Politics and Political Economy (Prof. Dr. Andreas Busch), since August 2008.

Director of Studies, since winter term 2012/2013.

Extensive Curriculum Vitae as PDF

Recent publications:

(with Schwanholz, Julia) 2020. "There’s a place for us? The Digital Agenda Committee and internet policy in the German Bundestag". Internet Policy Review 9 (4). DOI: 10.14763/2020.4.1509.

E-Government in Deutschland, in: Busch, Andreas/Breindl, Yana/Jakobi, Tobias (Hg.) (2019): Netzpolitik. Ein einführender Überblick, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 191–224.

Ein Analyserahmen und die Theoriediskussion zur Netzpolitik in Deutschland, in: Busch, Andreas/Breindl, Yana/Jakobi, Tobias (Hg.) (2019): Netzpolitik. Ein einführender Überblick, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 53–79.

Complete list of publications as PDF

Unpublished conference papers

Regulating regulation? The OECD in regulatory policy (2012)

Regulierung der ökologischen Landwirtschaft in Deutschland und Großbritannien (2009)

Research Interests
Policy Analysis, Comparative Public Policy