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Intrinsic asymmetry for scaling up microswimmer production

Title of the event Intrinsic asymmetry for scaling up microswimmer production
Series LMP Seminar
Organizer Physik lebender Materie
Speaker Dr. Juliane Simmchen
Speaker institution Freigeist Physical Chemistry, TU Dresden, Germany
Type of event Seminar
Category Forschung
Registration required Nein
Details Microswimmers have attracted considerable scientific interest due to their autonomous motion on the micro scale. However, the applications in biological and environment fields are limited by the immense efforts that are required for the fabrication of asymmetric structures. Even photocatalytic microswimmers’ fabrication is often still based on sequential fabrication of Janus structures (1). Here, we present our recent endeavors to avoid multi-step fabrication in micromotor fabrication using intrinsic crystal properties of BiVO4 (2-4). This semiconducting material is characterized by a band gap in the visible range, and after exciting the material with light of the corresponding wave length, the crystal properties favor the accumulation of electrons and holes on different facets, leading to intrinsic asymmetry.

1. Wang L, Popescu MN, Stavale F, Ali A, Gemming Th, Simmchen J. Cu@TiO2 Janus microswimmers with a versatile motion mechanism. Soft Matter (14), 6969–6973, 2018.
2. Heckel S, Hübner J, Leutzgen A, Jung G, Simmchen J. Progress report on pH influenced photocatalysis for active motion. Catalysts, 11(5):599,2021.
3. Heckel S, Grauer J, Semmler M, Gemming Th, Löwen H, Liebchen B, Simmchen J. Active assembly of spheroidal photocatalytic BiVO4 microswimmers. Langmuir, 36 (42): 12473–12480, 2020.
4. Heckel S, Simmchen J. Photocatalytic BiVO4 microswimmers with bimodal swimming strategies. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 1(8): 1900093, 2019.
Date Start: 26.10.2021, 14:00 Uhr
Ende: 26.10.2021 , 15:30 Uhr
Location Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation (MPIDS) (Am Faßberg 17)
Video conference at Meeting ID: 997 1155 2453 Passcode: 771001
Contact Prof. Ramin Golestanian