Inequality and Diversity

The cluster "Inequality and Diversity" examines the mechanisms that ensure the maintenance and regulation - both social and governmental - of modern South Asia's highly unequal political economy and its culturally and socially differentiated populace. Drawing on the fields of development economics, political science, history and anthropology, the cluster will examine inequalities of income, wealth and health, and their relations with other forms of social difference that are significant in the South Asian context, including gender, caste, and religious affiliation. In addition, we study the means by which some forms of difference become objects of political mobilization, and how social actors of different strata have attempted to reshape the given forms of inequality and diversity.

Within this context. CeMIS is involved in the international and interdisciplinary research project "Poverty and Education in India". Moreover, CeMIS fellows organize, in cooperation with colleagues from the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (MPI MMG) and others, thematically relevant interdisciplinary events such as the Workshop "Marginality and the State" held on July 3 - 4, 2015. Again with colleagues from MPI MMG, CeMIS fellows have established an interdisciplinary Critical Caste Studies Group with a kick-off workshop held at CeMIS in July, 2015. It is to be followed by further events.