In publica commoda


Spectacle of Inversion and a Counter Public: The Case of Immanuel Sekaran Guru Puja

Title of the event Spectacle of Inversion and a Counter Public: The Case of Immanuel Sekaran Guru Puja
Series Colloquium
Organizer Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS)
Speaker Damodaran Karthikeyan
Speaker institution University of Edinburgh - Department of Sociology
Type of event Kolloquium
Category Forschung
Registration required Nein
Date Start: 20.06.2018, 16:15 Uhr
Ende: 20.06.2018 , 17:45 Uhr
Location Waldweg 26, Hochhaus (Waldweg 26)
Contact 0551 39 12742
External link
File attachment Kolloq - SoSe 2018.pdf