In publica commoda


"Structure and function of FAX fatty acid transport proteins in the light of land plant evolution"

Title of the event "Structure and function of FAX fatty acid transport proteins in the light of land plant evolution"
Series GZMB Seminar Molecular Plant Sciences SoSe 2024
Organizer GZMB/ IRTG 2172 "PRoTECT"
Speaker Prof. Dr. Katrin Philippar
Speaker institution Universität des Saarlandes
Type of event Seminar
Category Campus Leben
Registration required Nein
Date Start: 25.04.2024, 13:15 Uhr
Ende: 25.04.2024 , 14:15 Uhr
Location Schwann-Schleiden-Forschungszentrum (Julia-Lermontowa-Weg 3)
Contact Prof. Feußner
File attachment Ankündigung_25.04.2024.pdf