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Following the energy transfer between hydrogen atoms and surfaces using scattering experiments

Title of the event Following the energy transfer between hydrogen atoms and surfaces using scattering experiments
Series MPI Campus Seminar
Organizer Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie (MPIBPC)
Speaker Kerstin Krüger
Speaker institution Department of Dynamics at Surfaces
Type of event Seminar
Category Forschung
Registration required Nein
Details Hydrogen atom scattering from various surfaces under ultra-high vacuum conditions is used
to investigate the process of energy transfer during the interaction of impinging atoms with
a surface sample, thereby providing information about surface dynamics and important
steps in surface reactions, e.g. chemical binding and adsorption. The simplicity of the system
makes it particularly interesting for a detailed comparison between high-level experiments
and first principle theories.

Photolysis of hydrogen halide molecules with ultraviolet or vacuum-ultraviolet photons
generates nearly monoenergetic atomic hydrogen beams with translational energies in the
range of 0.4 to 7 eV. These hydrogen atoms are scattered from the surface sample, and their
translational energy after the collision is probed by the Rydberg-atom time-of-flight method
to obtain scattering-angle resolved translational energy loss spectra.
For an insulating surface, it was shown that the collisions are nearly elastic, whereas
hydrogen atoms colliding with a metal surface possess a large translational energy loss that
can be explained by energy transfer to electron-hole pair excitation.
[1] In contrast, for hydrogen atoms colliding with epitaxial graphene grown on a platinum (111) substrate, the
formation of a transient chemical bond could be observed. Here, the scattering distributions
exhibit a bimodal behaviour with a strongly inelastic and a nearly-elastic scattering channel,
depending on whether the barrier to chemical bond formation is overcome or not,

In a current project we investigate hydrogen atom scattering from a semiconducting,
reconstructed germanium (111) surface. Again, two different scattering channels are
observed, potentially arising from nearly-elastic energy transfer and either electronic
excitation over the surface band gap or the formation of a transient bond. To further
elucidate the experimental findings, comparison with theoretical models will be required.
Because of the surface reconstruction, this system represents a particularly challenging, yet
very interesting task for theoretical simulations.

[1] O. Bünermann et al., Science 2015, 350, 1346.
[2] H. Jiang et al., Science 2019, 364, 379
Date Start: 23.06.2021, 11:00 Uhr
Ende: 23.06.2021 , 12:00 Uhr
Location Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie (MPIBPC) (Am Faßberg 11)
Contact 05513961108