Working Group Spatial Forest Ecological Information Systems

Current Projects

Finished Projects (selection)

Collaborative Research Center CRC 990
CRC 990 aims at providing science-based knowledge on how to protect and enhance the ecological functions of tropical forests and agricultural transformation systems at a landscape scale, while improving human welfare. Further, the program aims at providing baseline information on how to integrate agricultural land use and conservation issues. The research will be implemented in one of the largest regions of tropical lowland rainforest in Southeast Asia, namely Jambi Province in Sumatra, Indonesia.

In cooperation with the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the working group deals with the sub-project INF "Web-GIS based information system and research data management".

Aim of the sub-project is the combination of all data and results of the whole CRC in a central, web-based information system, to enhance datasharing within the CRC and to secure long term data preservation and accessibility, also for the time after the project has ended.

For more information visit the project homepage.

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Site Modelling

The project deals with the production of digital forest site information for the federal states of Lower Saxony (State Forests and Chamber of Agriculture) and North Rhine-Westphalia (State Enterprise for Forestry and Timber).

Aim of the project is to back up field mapping in Lower Saxony and to replace field mapping in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The following figure illustrates the workflow.


BEST - Strengthening of Bioenergy Regions
Biomass energy production plays an important role for a sustainable energy supply with no impact on climate change. However, because of limited cultivable land there is an area of conflict with alternative ways of land use.
Goal of BEST is to develop concepts and innovative system solutions for the productions of biomass adjusted at a regional scale and to evaluate these regarding their ecological and economical consequences.
BEST is a joint research project of the Forest Ecosystems Research Center at University of Göttingen.

The working group is reponsible for the sub-project Spatial Informations Systems (UP 3), which provides four major services for the joint research project and for the interrested public:

  • Development and administration of a central geodatabase using state-of-the-art open source web-GIS technologies
  • Establishment of a web portal for interactive access to geodata and transfer of knowledge
  • Implementation of webservices, which provide the opportunity to apply selected (established) models on sub-region data and to calculate the results for different scenarios
  • Visualization of data and model results

For more information visit the project homepage.


SFB 552 „Stability of Rainforest Margnins (STORMA)“, Sub-project D5

The multidisciplinary Indonesian-German research programme "Stability of Rainforest Margins in Indonesia" (STORMA) focused on integrated concepts of sustainable land use stabilizing rainforest margins, which had been identified as a critical factor in the protection of tropical forests. Ecological and socio-economic STORMA research addresses major global change phenomena that affect tropical forest margins, including effects of agricultural intensification and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) droughts.

The working group dealed with the sub-project D5: “Integrated modeling of land use and environmental change and data management”.

Main Focus of the sub-project was to establish an innovative central data management system for the storage, visualization and distribution of STORMA data (and meta data). Hence, this subprogramme generated information about the land cover within the STORMA region and about the dynamic and interactions of processes that influence the stability at the rainforest margin, which can be accessed via the world wide web.

The following figure illustrates the moduls of the web application:


For more information click here...


GRK 1086 (phase 1) "The Role of Biodiversity for Biogeochemical Cycles and Biotic Interactions in Temperate Deciduous Forests“, Sub-project C3b

The Research Training Group investigated the role of tree species diversity in broad-leaved deciduous forests of the Hainich National Park (Thuringia, Central Germany) for productivity, carbon sequestration, nutrient and water turnover, deep seepage, nitrate leaching, and biotic interactions among key organism groups as well as for ecosystem services.

The subproject C3b dealed with the development of a spatial information system and with the spatial analysis of soil and stand data. Furthermore the spatial and temporal dynamics of the stands under investigation were modelled.

The following figure illustrates the field of activity of the subproject.

Graduiertenkolleg Hainich

More information...


Decision Support System – Forest and Climate Change (DSS-WuK)

The Decision Support System Forest and Climate Change was part of the KlimaZwei initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and had early access to the climate scenarios of the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ).
Two climate scenarios were edited for silviculture.
Goals of the project were to

  • produce crucial informationen for practically working foresters
  • be usable for entire Germany
  • be freely available for everybody in the world wide web

DSS-WuK was composed of a large number of sub-models, concerning topics as e.g.:

  • Growth
  • Drought Stress
  • Windbreakage
  • Bark beetle calamities
  • Economics

The working group was responsible for the connection of the different sub-models, the development of web applications and project coordination.

The figure shows the mastermodel and screenshots of the web GUI.


For more information visit the project homepage.
