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Decentralizing Urban Waste Management: A Case of Bengaluru in South India and Implications

Title of the event Decentralizing Urban Waste Management: A Case of Bengaluru in South India and Implications
Series CeMEAS Lecture Series: China's Green Transformation
Organizer Centre for Modern East Asian Studies; AKI Göttingen
Speaker Zhang Xuehua
Speaker institution Nanjing University, Posts and Telecommunications
Type of event Vortrag
Category Forschung
Registration required Nein
Details With the continuing economic growth, rapid urbanization and accelerating consumption, the challenges in solid waste management (SWM) have become particularly daunting throughout the world. While the centralized waste management such as incineration has been widely adopted by the developed countries and most emerging economies such as the United States, European countries and China, Bengaluru of India decided to implement a city-wide highly decentralized approach late in 2012. The new regulation mandates waste segaration at source (individual houses and residential complexes) and the community-based composting or biomethanization of food waste while rejecting the incineration of mixed waste. This is unique given the community composting of food waste rarely takes place within a residential complex in many other countries where the composting is increasingly popular.

This talk presents the concept of “decentralized waste management” approach, describes the decentralized model in Bengaluru, explains why the city of Bengaluru decided to mandate separation and treatment of wastes at source and how it has been implemented, and discusses the implications of Bengaluru experience. The state court and the civil society were instrumental in legalizing a decentralized waste management approach, which has shifted the burden of waste management from solely the city government to partially ordinary citizens, but were insufficient for ensuring the full and effective implementation of the new rules. The significant implementing challenges have remained.
Date Start: 09.07.2019, 12:00 Uhr
Ende: 09.07.2019 , 14:00 Uhr
Location Verfügungsgebäude (Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7)
Contact +49 551 39 21280
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