Department of Forest Economics and Forest Management

Forest economics

The common areas of research and teaching cover the basics of forestry business economics, operational research and forest management. Other working areas are forestry business accounting, microeconomic planning and decision methods as well as forest administration theory, forest and enterprise assessment.

Practical studies – Management, accounting, marketing, controlling, value assessment

The special research foci cover practical questions regarding forest management of private, communal and state forest enterprises and administrations. Currently studies are carried out on the subject of forestry business accounting and enterprise assessment, on evaluation of operational usage constraints through environmental and water safety rules and on marketing concepts for timber. Additionally scientists are researching operational planning and decision methods as well as controlling and forest tax theory. Besides this concepts for an ecologically oriented management are being developed.

Environmental economics and wood products markets

The department of forest economics and forest management coordinates the teaching in the basics of macro economics, environmental and forest conservation economics and forest ant wood products markets. Additionally there are international forest economics and forest development economics.

Forest management

The common areas of teaching in forest management cover the history of the development starting from the simple sustainability assessment to the modern operational instrument as well as basics of operational collection of information, operational planning and performance control. During the planning process third party plans are included dealing with forests beyond forestry aspects.