
DIGENFOR: Natürlich vorkommende Nukleotid-Diversität in Kandidatengenen für die Anpassung von Waldbäumen: Ausmaß, Verteilung und Assoziation mit der Variation quantitativer Merkmale
Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey

Dr. Barbara Vornam, Dr. Oliver Gailing

Kandidatengene, SNPs, Austriebsphänologie, Trockenstress, Traubeneiche, Strand-Kiefer

Laufzeit: 1.9.2004 - 31.8.2007

BMBF, Forschungszentrum Jülich (im Rahmen von GABI)

Mitwirkende Institutionen:
Christophe Plomion, INRA, 33610 Cestas, Frankreich
Maria Teresa Cervera, INIA, 28040 Madrid, Spanien
Pablo G. Goicoechea, NEIKER, 01080 Vitoria-Gazteiz, Spanien

Vornam, Barbara
Telefon +49 551 39 3533, Fax +49 551 39 8367, E-Mail: bvornam1@gwdg.de

This project will contribute to the identification of functionally important genes and the validation of the mutations (SNPs) within such genes of adaptive value, concluding from their associations with the phenotypic variation of adaptive traits. The project will focus on both structural and regulatory "candidate" genes underlying forest trees adaptation and potentially involved in bud phenology (Quercus petraea) and drought stress response (Pinus pinaster). In practice, the results will be germane to conservation programs, where information on the genetic control of the physiological functions of trees will aid to preserve critically important genotypes. Another important area of application for functional genomics in particular is adaptation of trees to environmental changes of all sorts, and physiological responses to abiotic stress. Given the large number of genes under study (about one hundred) and their nature (structural vs. regulatory), it is expected that the benefit of the project will exceed the studied species and traits, both with respect to the type of genes or mutations of adaptive value, and the methodology and molecular criteria necessary to assess adaptive diversity in plant species.


Gailing, O., Vornam, B., Leinemann, L.L & R. Finkeldey. 2009. Genetic and genomic approaches to assess adaptive genetic variation in plants: forest trees as a model. Physiologia Plantarum 137: 509-519.

Gailing, O. 2010. Erfassung der adaptiven genetischen Variation der Eiche im Hinblick auf den Klimawandel. Assessment of adaptive genetic variation in oaks with relation to climate change. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 161: 216-222.

Vornam, B., Gailing, O. & R. Finkeldey. 2010. Natürliche Nukleotid-Diversität von Kandidatengenen für den Blattaustrieb der Traubeneiche (Quercus petraea). Naturally occurring nucleotide diversity of candidate genes related to bud burst in sessile oak (Quercus petraea). Forstarchiv 81: 146-149.

Gailing, O., Vornam, B., Leinemann, L., Curtu, A.L. & R. Finkeldey. 2010. Genetische Ansätze zur Charakterisierung adaptiver genetischer Variation bei Eichen. Genetic approaches to assess adaptive genetic variation in oaks. Forstarchiv 81: 150-155.

Vornam, B., Gailing, O., Derory, J., Plomion, C., Kremer, A. & R. Finkeldey. 2011. Characterization and natural variation of a dehydrin gene in Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. Plant Biology 13: 881-887.