Effort of Fulfilment for Norm Addressees under REACh (EfNuR)

Own Interest of Research / Extraordinary Subproject of the interdisciplinary research project Responsive Regulation of Innovation Behaviour for Sustainability (ReSINa)

01/09/2010 - 30/04/2011

Brief Description
On 01 June 2007, the regulation no. 1907/2006 (REACh) became operative. Thereby, the right concerning chemicals valid for the European Union was restructured and harmonised. In some matters, however, norm addressees have to expend effort to fulfil the resulting norms.
Seen from a perspective based on control theory, it is an interesting fact that, by using the REACH regulation, a certain control approach has been introduced. To reach its aims this approach tries to strongly utilise, besides sovereign control elements, autonomous actions by the norm addressees.
Against the backdrop of the wide and heterogeneous set of norm addressees many questions arise. These questions are equally important both from a national and a European point of view.
It is the aim of the project to structure this large variety of questions in terms of content and to combine them with regard to research perspectives. The aspects brought into focus are, on the one hand, the existing possibilities and limits for measuring the effort of fulfilment as well as the development of its informational value.
On the other hand, control theory requires research concentrating on the relation between obligatory or unnecessary effort of fulfilment and the extent of the norm addressees’ behaviour.
The corresponding research perspectives aim at identifying and labelling a range of topics which are relevant for the regulator within the frame of good governance and of endeavours for intelligent regulation. At the same time they demand the consideration of these topics with respect to methods and actions in recent and future research.

Hensel, Stephan. “Forschungsperspektiven: Erfüllungsaufwand für Normadressaten im Kontext der europäischen Chemikalienregulierung REACh.“ Arbeitsgemeinschaft für wirtschaftliche Verwaltung e. V. (AWV) (ed.). Bürokratieentlastung im europäischen Rechtsrahmen, AWV-Informationen Special, VI. [s. l.] 2011. 6-11.

Dipl.-Volksw. Stephan Hensel