Investigation of Economic Consequences and Effects after the Vitalisation of Fallow Land in Urban Areas

Subject matter
Investigation of Economic Consequences and Effects after the Vitalisation of Fallow Land in Urban Areas

ClientLand Baden-Württemberg, FZ (research centre) Karlsruhe in the Helmholtz-Association - Project Agency Programme: The Environment as an Essential Basis of Life and its Protection

01.02.2006 - 31.7.2007

Co-operation partners
EnviroSustain GmbH

Brief description
The aim of the project partners is to analyse practice-related, local-economic assets and effects of the recycling of urban fallow land as an economic factor on the basis of realised projects.

After completing a vitalisation of land positive, economic long-term effects are to be identified. By presenting comprehensible costs-reuse observations important new operation guidelines arise for local decision makers.

Economic (hard factors) aspects are to show that a vitalisation of land results in further and higher reinvestment in the respective land. At the same time environmental effects (soft factors) are to be presented which raise the quality of both work and life (image, attractiveness, social and cultural facilities).
