Measurement devices and methods at LARI

Liquid scintillation counting

Liquid sctinllation counting (LSC) is ideal for measuring the activity from betaminus radiation even for radionuclides with low decay energy.
On our counters we regularly measure samples for H-3, C-14, P-32, P-33, Ni-63 as well as other radionuclides.
Important: Whilest being perfect for measuring the activity in a given samples, it can be difficult or even impossible to identify unknown radionuclides by LSC. Therefore, LSC is mainly used for samples where
(a) The dominant radionuclide is known, e.g. when you labelled the sample with a radioactive tracer, or
(b) You are generally interested to measure the total activity of a sample to decide whether it shows elevated activity (e.g. in contaminations samples)


In two-dinemsional objects, Phospoimaging can help localising activity from radionuclides and visualize activity distribution semi-quantitatively.
It can be used for leaves, roots, or even whole plants.
However, objects should be dried to avoid problems from shielding of radiation by water.