Welcome Events for New Students

Please note: We will update the information on this website in good time before the start of the next semester

Dear first-year students,

we are glad that you have chosen us as your place of study. We hope that you will quickly settle in with us and are also very much looking forward to welcoming you personally to the University in the lecture halls and on campus in the coming semester.

The lecture period for the winter semester starts on 21 October 2024.

Welcome Events

Incoming Office of the Faculty of Business and Economics

Students of the Faculty of Business and Economics organize an introductory week for new students (in German) every semester. This orientation week will take place from 17-25 October 2024. It is carried out by students of the WiWi-O-Phase association which are students who have already studied at the faculty for at least one semester.

Graphic Faculty Welcome Event 5 April 2024

For our international (exchange) students, our Incoming Office organizes a welcome meeting on Friday, 5 April 2024 from 10:00 to 13:00 in VG 3.102 (“Verfügungsgebäude”, 3rd floor, room 102). You will get to know your fellow international students and the team of our incoming office and learn everything you need to know for your studies at our faculty in two workshops. In addition, you will get to know social offers like the Study Buddy Programme and the Exchange@WiWi Programme.

Campus & City Tours

In the afternoon, it’s time to discover the campus and the city of Göttingen. Get on a tour in small groups, discover your new home for the next months, find out where to find the best coffee on campus, the cheapest beer in town and much more. Local students will lead the tour, so you can get in contact and learn from their experience in Göttingen.

Göttingen International

Furthermore, Göttingen International, the International Office of Göttingen University, welcomes all international students to their Welcome Event on 9 October 2024. From 16-20 September 2024, Göttingen International also offers a "Pre-Arrival Online Introductory Week": Learn everything about your stay in Göttingen already before your arrival.

Become a Study Buddy

Our Study Buddy programme wants to promote the exchange between international and German students at the University of Göttingen. When you register as a Study Buddy, you can enter your home country, study programme and personal interests so that suitable tandems between German and international students can be formed. The programme can be set up individually - whether you plan a weekly coffee meeting to catch up, meet irregularly whenever it suits you or communicate online is totally up to you. Meet our local and international students in order to create a great international network! More information

Follow us on Social Media

Faculty of Business and Economics

Instagram: wiwiunigoettingen

Facebook: wiwiunigoettingen

Facebook group for international students: exchange@wiwiunigoe

WiWi-Fachschaft (Faculty's student council/ student representatives)

Instagram: fsrwiwigoe

Facebook: fsrwiwigoe


Instagram: wiwiophase

Facebook: wiwiophase

Group of three students with backpacks standing in a stairwell talking to each other.


Study Abroad Advisory

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Faculty of Business and Economics

Service Center for Students

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3

37073 Göttingen



Gesche Quent
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Faculty of Business and Economics
Communication and Marketing
Platz der Göttinger Sieben
37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-25847 gesche.quent@wiwi.uni-goettingen.de