In publica commoda

Jin-Hsin Cheng
Politikwissenschaft (B.A.), Taiwan
Soziologie (Magister), Göttingen
Social Policy as Social Self-Justification - A Comparative Reconstruction of the Development of the Welfare State in Germany and Britain

Silke van Dyk
Sozialwissenschaften (Diplom), Göttingen
The order of consensus
Social Pacts in Ireland and the Netherlands

Peter Matuschek
Politikwissenschaft (Magister), Göttingen
The factors for success of a Conservative party – the Spanish Partido Popular

Daniela Pottschmidt
Rechtswissenschaft (Staatsexamen), Göttingen
Employee-like Persons in Europe
- The Treatment of Economically Dependent Workers in the Labour Law Systems of EU Member States and in EC Labour Law

Ursula Spieß
Rechtswissenschaft (Staatsexamen), Göttingen
Social Dialogue und the principle of democracy - an investigation with special focus on the term of "social partners"

Anja vom Stein
Soziologie; Politikwissenschaft (Magister), Göttingen
Together with market and state?
The Third Sector’s Potential of creating employment
within tri-sectoral local networks

Holk Stobbe
Sozialwissenschaften (Diplom), Göttingen
Undocumented Migration in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany

Frank Wendler
Politikwissenschaften (Diplom), Hamburg
European Social Policy from Paris to Lisbon: Institutional developments and implications for democratic legitimacy