Alternative Epistemologies: Gender-Inclusive Perspectives on Oral History and Knowing in Micronesia

Am Donnerstag, 13. April 2023 veranstaltete das ERC-Projekt Sound Knowledge. Alternative Epistemologies of Music in the Western Pacific Island World unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Birgit Abels einen Online-Workshop mit Myjolynne Marie Kim, M.A. zum Thema Alternative Epistemologies: Gender-Inclusive Perspectives on Oral History and Knowing in Micronesia.

Der Online-Workshop fand von 9.30 bis 11.00 Uhr (CET) (6.30pm-8pm CHUT (Chuuk Time)) statt.

Flyer zur Veranstaltung

Zur Person:

Myjolynne (Mymy) Kim is from Chuuk in the Federated States of Micronesia. In her current research project “From Silent to Salient: Reengaging local stories of Chuukese women”, she uses Indigenous stories, languages and methodologies to reframe a gender-inclusive (his)tory of Chuuk and to re-engage Chuukese women in (his)tory-making, leadership, decisionmaking, and public policy. Mymy is a PhD candidate in Pacific History with the Department of Pacific Affairs, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs.