Zentrum für Medizinrecht

Das Göttinger Zentrum für Medizinrecht

Das Medizinrecht Göttingen wurde im Jahre 2014 gemeinsam von der Juristischen Fakultät, der Medizinischen Fakultät/Universitätsmedizin Göttingen und der Theologischen Fakultät als Einrichtung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen gegründet, um aktuelle wie grundlegende Fragen im Querschnittsbereich von Medizin und Recht wissenschaftlich zu erforschen. Das Zentrum ist hervorgegangen aus der 1979 gegründeten Forschungsstelle für Arzt- und Arzneimittelrecht der Juristischen Fakultät, die von Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. mult. Erwin Deutsch (†), Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Ludwig Schreiber (†) und Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Fritz Scheler (†) geleitet wurde. Der Name Göttinger Zentrum für Medizinrecht wurde bereits im Jahr 2006 eingeführt. Heute ist das Göttinger Zentrum für Medizinrecht eine der führenden wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen auf dem Gebiet des Medizin- und Gesundheitsrechts in Deutschland.

Seminar on Current Challenges in Medical Law

Seminar on Current Challenges in Medical Law

On 3rd and 4th May 2023, the seminar on “Current Challenges in Medical Law” took place at the historic library of the University of Göttingen. It was organized jointly by Medical Law Göttingen and the European Association of Health Law. A priority was to provide young scholars and PhD students with an opportunity for professional exchange and networking. In addition to making personal contacts, the aim of the seminar was to present one's work in medical law as well as to discuss it with young researchers from all over Europe. In particular, the comparative law perspective brought many new insights into different legal systems and approaches. The seminar began with a few welcoming words from the managing director of Medical Law Göttingen, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Volker Lipp, and an introductory keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Karl Harald Søvig from the University of Bergen. Afterwards the approximately 60 participants formed four different panels discussing in-depth topics related to “Data & Research”, “Public Health”, “New standards for healthcare and for vulnerable groups” and “New areas for medical care”. During this, the young researchers not only had the opportunity for professional exchange, but also received feedback from senior researchers working in the field of medical law. On the first day, there was furthermore a plenary keynote speech by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Roxani Fragou from the University of Groningen on “Disparities in the health care system in the post-pandemic era”. The second day, the participants first heard a keynote speech by Dr. Tomasz Sroka from the University of Krakow on "Information policy on health care systems as a duty of public authorities”. Subsequently they continued their presentations and debates in the four panels. In the closing session, a panel consisting of Ass.-Prof. Dr. Caroline Voithofer from the University of Innsbruck, Prof. Dr. Steven Lierman from the University of Leiden, and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Volker Lipp, drew conclusions from the past two days of the seminar. This panel was chaired by Prof. Dr. Ivo Bach from Medical Law Göttingen. We are absolutely delighted about the broad international participation as well as the quality of presentations and discussions. We will follow the academic careers of the individual participants with great interest and wish all participants success in their academic research. Beyond that, we would be happy to welcome you back in Göttingen.