Department for Criminal Medical- and Biolaw,
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Duttge


This is the website of the Department for Criminal Medical- and Biolaw which is also the Homepage of the chair of Prof. Dr. Gunnar Duttge.

On this page, you find information about Prof. Dr. Duttge and his team, his topical lectures, publications and events as well as an overview of his academic teaching and research.
You can download some of our publications, take a look at our image gallery or listen to latest podcasts with Prof. Dr. Duttge here.

„Not learning, but to gain the ability to realise is the purpose of university.”

- Friedrich Schleiermacher in Forschung & Lehre 2008, S. 592 ff.

The research of the chair focuses on topics of the material as well as of the formal criminal law.
The problem of the "medical intrusion" leads to issues of medial law and bio-ethics (e.g. genetic engineering, research on embryos, reproductive medicine, euthanasia, organ transplantation).

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