In publica commoda

Ideas by category in 2010 (in %)


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The Ideas Competition for Students 2010 attracted about 75 proposals, of which 54% related to a wide range of curricular aspects and therefore the Study requests/ Offers/ Content and Structures category. These ideas included for example proposals for expansion of specialised curricula, adjustment of the workloads or better mobility for foreign residencies.

Thirty-two percent of the contributions covered topics relating to the Advisory/Mentoring and Information Services and their provision. For example, there were proposals for improved organisation of studies with regard to ways of learning such as setting up effective platforms which can also be used by the students to discuss ideas. Moreover there were suggestions for the digitisation of stocks in the specialist libraries and resource issues concerning the use of teaching rooms for group work.

Proposals for Quality of Teaching formed the smallest category at 3%.

Social Aspects and Miscellaneous received 11% of submissions in the 2010 round, including providing filtration of tap water from water coolers, and rest areas in the university buildings.

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