Frequently Asked Questions

On this page we will compile all the questions that we are frequently asked by students and tutors on the subject of e-examinations.

Can e-exams also be carried out if more than 108 examinees are to be expected?
With more than 110 examinees registered for an exam, several rounds will be carried out. For two cohorts, only one exam version is required as an encounter between the two groups can reliably be prevented. Accordingly, an A and a B version have to be designed for three or more groups. If the PC pools in the “Blauer Turm” are not otherwise occupied, they can additionally be used so that the capacity per cohort increases to over 250 places. Hence, there will be a greater need for invigilators and technical staff.

What happens if I forget something (pens, jacket, calculator, etc.) in the exam room?
Found items are collected and stored in the exam room where you can pick them up after contacting us. If we can identify the owner of the item, we will get in touch with her/him. Should no one contact us even after a longer period of time (approx. one week), we will hand over the item to the gatekeepers in the entrance are of the ZHG/MZG.

Are students who complete the exam ahead of schedule allowed to leave early?
After consultation with the respective invigilator it is generally possible to leave early. However, if a subsequent group takes the same exam, all examinees must remain in the room for the entire duration of the test so that an exchange of information between members of the different cohorts can be prevented. Due to digital archiving, the immediate follow-up work can be limited to a maximum of ten minutes. These regulations of course do not affect cases of hardship, which have to be clarified with the supervisor prior to the exam.

I'm eligible for an extended examination time. What do I do?
With a longer examination time, you might need a quieter seat or even a separate room in order to avoid disturbances by earlier-finishing examinees. The examination authorities do not automatically notify the persons in charge of the exams or us of your extended exam period. Please inform the persons in charge of the exam at the latest one week prior to the exam so we can select an appropriate seat for you and contact you, if necessary. If you notify the persons in charge of the exam or the room management right before the exam, it is unlikely that a change of seats is still possible. An extension of exam time must be announced beforehand for organizational reasons!

Where can i find my seat?
You will find notices with your respective seats right in front of the e-examination room or, during big exams, at the entrance hall of the ZHG right at the stairs to the 1st floor. Please note that some exams take place on several floors. In this case, information about the respective floors can be found on the notices as well.