Students discussed about the causes of fleeing

The students have discussed with Kamal Sido, speaker for the Middle East, about the causes of fleeing in the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV). Mr.Kamal Sido is himself of the Syrian origin. He has visited the refugee camps in the past and also organized an exhibition of Yazidis fleeing from Iraq.

Among the refugees from Syria and Iraq there is a large number of Christians ( Antiochian Orthodoxes, Syrics, Syrian Orthodoxes, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Armenians, Maronites, Arab Christians). During a round of dialogue with refugees the students have also discussed with Mr. Kamal Sido and Professor Tamcke about the causes of fleeing.

The Department of Ecumenical Theology and Oriental Church and Mission History in the University of Göttingen is the only institute in Germany, which dedicates itself particularly to the researches of Oriental Churches and where the first research regarding the immigration of Syrian-Orthodox Christians to Germany came into being.

The fleeing oriental Christians strengthen their church communities in Germany. The Department of Ecumenical Theology and Oriental Church and Mission History aims to combine the research of the Christian Orient with its presence in Germany, and test the cooperation with civil society organisations such as the Society for Threatened Peoples. The practices within the framework of cooperation are intended to help reflect the impact of the immigration of the Christians from the Orient on the oriental church communities.

Tamcke Austausch Sido 2016

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students with Kamal Sido

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Martin Tamcke
University of Göttingen
Ecumenical Theology and Oriental Church and Mission History
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 2
37073 Göttingen, Germany