"Make Your Way!" (Mentoring-Programm der Stabsstelle Zukunftskonzept)

Trainerin: Dr. Nadine Genisyürek
Datum: 14./15. Februar 2012 (Dienstag: 9.00-17.00 Uhr; Mittwoch: 9.00-17.00 Uhr)
Ort: Seminarraum der Stabsstelle Zukunftskonzept (ZUK), Raum 1.310, Von-Siebold-Str. 4, 37075 Göttingen
Zielgruppe: Women Only! Teilnehmerinnen des Mentoring-Programms der Stabsstelle Zukunftskonzept und andere interessierte Promovendinnen und Postdoktorandinnen bei freibleibenden Plätzen) / participants of the Mentoring-Program of the Institutional Strategy Office and other doctoral and postdoctoral candidates)
Workshop-Sprache: Englisch

Eine Teilnahmebestätigung kann ausgestellt werden, die zum Erwerb von Credits genutzt werden kann

Anmeldung ab sofort par E-Mail: kaiser-belz@uni-goettingen.de
Veranstalterin: Mentoring-Programm der Stabsstelle Zukunftskonzept (ZUK)

Benefits of the Training:
Trainees are able to stand up successfully in different scientific and business communication settings (dialogues, meetings, presentations).

Specific goals: Trainees...
- diagnose their own stand-up type (assertiveness type)
- are aware of challenges of their stand-up type
- develop solution possipilities and action alternatives for (difficult) communication settings in order to stand up.

Training Contents:
- Causes of communication problems
- Stand-up types and their personal attitude
- Non-verbal communication success factors
- Verbal communication success factors in different (difficult) situations, e.g., difficult messages and dealing with crises
- Non-verbal and verbal communication pitfalls

Training Methods:
- Know-how input
- Interactive methods (Group work, role plays)
- Consulting (All trainees have the possibility to discuss their own communication challenges and get solution possibilities)