Tabea Heen, M.A.

Tabea was raised in the south of Germany. After finishing high school she spent four months in Belfast, Northern Ireland and two months in Ruanda and Burundi doing a programme on peace and reconciliation.
Afterwards she studied Philosophy of Religion and Catholic Theology at the University of Frankfurt a.M., Germany and at Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth in Pune, India. In June 2011 she graduated as a Magistra Artium. Her thesis »”Religious” and “secular” citizens in dialogue? A model of discourse on the basis of Ricœur’s hermeneutics« deals with the issue of whether and how the discourse between citizens with diverging world views or religious convictions can succeed.
Her main research interests are in the topics of intercultural and interreligious dialogue, the relation of religion and modern society, theories of recognition and philosophical hermeneutics.
Tabea supported the Euroculture team in research tasks.