Semantics@Göttingen Archive

Issue of November 5th, 2010

A warm welcome to our new semanticists in residence: Berit Gehrke, Remus Gergel, and Edgar Onea!

Community News

  • Mailin Antomo will deliver a talk on "Anaphoric Adverbials" at the 6th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication, to be held in Riga, November 19-21.
  • Remus Gergel gave a talk entitled "On structure-based factors in semantic change: rather and again", at the Fall Meeting on Formal Linguistics (CNRS/Paris 8).
  • Eva Csipak delivered a talk on "Literal minimizers and other anomalies" on October 27th, at Northwestern University.
    She will also giving a talk at LENLS (Tokyo), on "How to be literally minimal". And she will be at MIT as a visiting student in the Spring Semester 2011.

Upcoming Talk Reminders

  • The Kolloquium Sprachtheorie (German Department) starts this Thursday (November 4). All the talks will take place from 16:00 to 18:00, at the Medienraum SDP (1.245). The Kolloquium will open with a talk by Miriam Ellert (Goettingen), who will present on "Die sprachliche Verarbeitung ambiguer Pronomen in L1und L2 Deutsch und Niederländisch - Eine Blickbewegungsstudie". On Thursday 11/11, the speaker will be Martin Salzmann (University of Konstanz). The Courant Forschungszentrum "Textstrukturen" announces a presentation by Alice ter Meulen (University of Geneve). The title of the talk is "Temporal Reasoning in Natural Language". Time: 10/11, 16:00-17:30. Place: Zentralverwaltung, Goßlerstr. 5/7 großes Sitzungszimmer (2. OG).
  • On November 12th, Roland Pfau (University of Amsterdam) will speak on "Raum im Raum: zur Realisierung räumlicher Relationen in Gebärdensprachen". Time: 12:00-14:00. Place: VG 3.108.