Refereed Publications

1. Deficits and Divided Governments: The Case of the German “Bundesrat” (2006): Constitutional Political Economy, 17:2: 87-101.

2. Does Capital Mobility Reduce the Corporate-Labor Tax Ratio? (2007): Public Choice, 130(2): 363-380.

3. Direktinvestitionen im Ausland: Motive sowie Auswirkungen auf den inländischen Arbeitsmarkt („German Outbound FDI: Determinants and Consequences on the German Labor Market“, joint with Tobias Steiner) (2008): Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 9, 901-922.

4. Optionen einer rationalen Regulierung des Tabakkonsums: Die Vorteile eines liberalen Paternalismus (2009): Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 10(2), 235-251.

5. Why Are Countries Reluctant to Exchange Information on Interest Income? Participation in and Effectiveness of the EU Savings Tax Directive. (2009): International Review of Law and Economics, 29(2), 97-105.

6. Tax-Avoidance Strategies of American Multinationals: The Case of Profit Shifting. (2009): Managerial and Decision Economics 30(8) 539-549.

7. Bargaining over the Avoidance of Double Taxation: Evidence from German Tax Treaties (joint with Thomas Rixen) (2009): Finanzarchiv 65(4): 442-471.

8. Estimating the Effects of Taxes on FDI: The Importance of Tax Havens. (2011): Economics Bulletin 31(1): 218-232.

9. Money Launderers and Tax Havens: Two Sides of the Same Coin? (2011): International Review of Law and Economics 31(2): 37-47.

10. Tax Competition: A Literature Review (joint with Philipp Genschel). (2011): Socio-Economic Review 9(2): 339-370.

11. Makroökonomische Stabilisierung und Beggar thy neighbor-Verhalten am Beispiel der Finanzkrise (“Fiscal Stimulus and Beggar thy Neighbor Policies during the Financial Crisis“, joint with Ulrike Bechmann). (2011) Kredit und Kapital 44(2): 161-184.

12. Tax Disincentives and Female Employment: Evidence from the OECD Countries. Forthcoming 2012 in: Journal of European Social Policy.

13. The EU-Savings Tax Directive and Cross Border Tax Evasion: Evidence from Four EU Member States (joint with Thomas Rixen). Forthcoming 2012 in: Journal of Common Market Studies.

14. Krisenreaktion und Krisenprävention in der Euro-Zone („Crisis reaction and crisis prevention in the Eurozone, joint with Heiko Peters and Stefan Ried). Forthcoming 2012: ORDO.