Andreas Schindler


College / University

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Highest Degree


Major Subjects





Lab Experience

Basic techniques in biochemistry, microbiology and cell culture; basics in psychological experimental design; practical training: psychophysics, matlab, first contacts to fmri techniques (Dept. of Neurophysiology, MPI for Biological Cybernetics Tübingen); insights in cell culture and fluorescence microscopy (Dept. of Neurobiology, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry Göttingen)

Projects / Research

  • 2013 - 2016: Axon guidance in D. melanogaster olfactory system development. Arzu Celik, PhD. Bogazici University
  • June - Aug 2015: Changes in repetitive sequences during the development of C. elegans. Susan Mango, PhD. Harvard University
  • June - Aug 2014: Role of mitochondrial mutants in neurodegeneration. Hugo J. Bellen, PhD. Baylor College of Medicine

Scholarships / Awards

2007 – 2008: Stipend by the International Max Planck Research School


The title of a textbook I worked with during my studies encapsulates my field of interest in the best possible manner: 'Neuroscience. From the Molecule to Cognition'. I am striving to better understand the functioning of the human brain, as I have always been immensely amazed by the human's complex cognitive abilities. So the chance to enhance my understanding of the brain's functioning on a molecular respectively physiological, functional level and the promising prospect of some day being able to make accurate predictions about it is more than thrilling to me. Furthermore, I intend to first deepen my knowledge about the molecular/cellular fundamentals and then, in a second step, focus on complex cognitive problems.