Summer term 2022
Experiments on information structure
- lecturer: Stavros Skopeteas
- time/location: Tuesdays, 6-8 p.m., Jacob-Grimm-Haus - SPW 0.108
This course offers an introduction to empirical syntax: In a first part, the students will be introduced to the paradigm of experimental studies devoted to information structure and discuss about the relevance of judgments of acceptability or contextual felicity for statements about grammar. Special attention will be given to cross-linguistic experimental studies and the general issue of modeling variation between languages. In a second part, the students will be offered an introduction in designing, conducting and analyzing an experimental study. Basic tools will be introduced in a very targeted way: based on illustrative examples, students will get a hands-on instruction how to use the relevant resources and information about relevant tutorials or books for students interested to elaborate their skills in experimental research.
Form-meaning mismatches
- lecturer: Hedde Zeijlstra
- time/location: Wednesdays, 12-2 p.m., ZHG - 1.142
Corpus Linguistics
- organizer: Marco Coniglio
- lecturer: Nathan Dykes (Erlangen)
- time/location: May 6-7 and June 17-18; from 10:00 to 16:00
- amount: 2 block seminars
This seminar serves as an introduction to foundational concepts and applications of Corpus Linguistics. We will cover the theoretical underpinnings of Corpus Linguistics; some hands-on practical skills for searching corpora (regular expressions and CEQL/CQP syntax) as well as corpus compilation, and some basic statistical notions along with their application through cooccurrence-based methods (collocations and keywords). We will also explore how this knowledge can be applied to other domains of linguistics, e.g., Discourse Analysis. The seminar will be held in English, a command of German is not required (nevertheless, students are welcome to work on German corpora for term projects). Participants are not expected to have experience in statistics and/ or computational tools, as relevant skills in these domains will be covered in the seminar.