Career choices: The art of creating a career that you love (GGG/GFA) in person & online

Target group:
PhD students of the GGG and GFA, other PhD students if free places are available

This workshop consists of three sessions.

Kick-off and main part (on-sight):
April 04, 2024 (09:00 a.m. – 17:00 p.m.)
April 05, 2024 (09:00 a.m. – 13:00 p.m.)

Follow-up workshop (online):
April 11, 2024 (09:00 a.m. – 13:00 p.m.)

Venue: Convention Center by the Observatory, Geismar Landstraße 11, big seminar room (April 04 & 05), online (April 11)
Available seats: 12
Course language: English
Trainer: Dr. Kerstin Mauth
Kerstin Mauth worked as a career consultant at Göttingen University for many years. Her work is based on an systemic perspective and her methods are inspired by Richard N. Bolles, Edgar Schein and Kornelia Rappe-Giesecke.

Seminar objectives:
In today’s fast changing and complex world careers - either inside or outside academia - are getting more and more unpredictable and thus difficult to plan. Long ago are the times in which one would enter university with a job description in mind, end up in that job and stay in it ever after. Careers are more flexible, agile and disrupted than ever before. Navigating a career under these circumstances asks for specific mindsets and instruments. This highly interactive workshop equips participants with insights and tools that help them to build a career that fits their values and strengths. It helps them to move forward towards what is meaningful to them and navigate times of uncertainty with clarity and ease.

Lessons’ contents:

  • Values: Uncover your Life's Intentions
  • Transferable skills: Knowing your strengths and your potential
  • Creating career plans: Exploring and experimenting with different paths
  • Networks: Who are your supporters?
  • Keep moving: Taking creative action towards new shores


  • Bolles, R.N.: What color is your parachute? Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, 2015.
  • Burnett, B., Evans, D.: Designing your life, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2017.
  • Döhling-Wölm, J. (2016). Karriere, Macht und Netzwerke: Spielregeln und Felddynamiken akademischer Karriereentwicklung. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
  • Eilers, S., Möckel, K., Rump, J., Schabel, F.: HR-Report 2017, Schwerpunkt Kompetenzen für eine digitale Welt, ibe & Hays, 2017.
  • Hendrix, U., Hilgemann M., Kontendiek B. & Niegel J. (2016). Auf dem Weg zur Professur: Netzwerke und ihre Bedeutung für Wissenschaftskarrieren aus einer Geschlechterperspektive. In Uta C. Schmidt und Beate Kortendiek (Hrsg.), Netzwerke: Im Schnittfeld von Organisation, Wissen und Geschlecht. Essen: Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW.
  • Ibarra, H.: Working Identity, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 2004.
  • Lang-von Wins, Th., Triebel C.: Kompetenzorientierte Laufbahnberatung, Springer, Heidelberg, 2006.
  • Nemeth, M.: Mastering Life‘s Energies, New World Library, Novato, 2007.
  • Nohl, M.: Laufbahnberatung 4.0, managerSeminare Verlags GmbH, 2018.
  • Oehrlein-Karpi, S. (2020). Netzwerken. In Anette Hammerschmidt und Neela Enke (Hrsg.), Forschen – Lehren – Führen. München: UVK Verlag.
  • Shareground & University of St. Gallen: Arbeit 4.0 – Megatrends Digitaler Arbeit der Zukunft – 25 Thesen, 2015.
  • Schulz von Thun, Friedemann (2015): Das innere Team in Aktion – Praktische Arbeit mit dem Modell. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg.
  • Spinath, B., Dickhäuser, O., Schöne, C. (Hrsg.): Psychologie der Motivation und Emotion, hogrefe, 2018.
  • Weinand, G.: Agile Karrieregestaltung. Ein Workbook für die Karriere 4.0, Haufe, Freiburg, 2019 (Kindle Version).

Credits: 1 Credit

  • attendance on all three sessions
  • conducting 3 information interviews (instructions will follow)
  • written reflection (1-2 pages) on the lessons learnt (to be sent to until April 25, 2024)

Please, write an e-mail to
contact for more information: Dr. Nelly C. Schubert, Phone: +551 39-28217

This course is organized by the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG) and the Graduate School Forest and Agricultural Sciences (GFA).

GGG Logo 2016

GFA Logo 2016