A Departmental Timeline

The timeline below shows key events in the history of teaching English at Göttingen University. Starting with the date of the Great Move in 1984, but reaching back to the foundation of the University in 1734/1737, it allows insights not only into the Department's development, but also into the scarcety or wealth of data on the departmental history: Little is known (yet) of teaching English at Göttingen University for much of the nineteenth century, for example, so there are decades of blank on the timeline.

It is mainly the Department's professors and their research interests, and with them the development of the various divisions, that form the timeline's backbone. As such, it is still very much a work in progress: information and links will be added to it over time. To make it easier to follow the staff changes in the divisions, a colour-coding system is used: blue for Anglophone Literature, green for North American Studies, maroon for Linguistics, burnt orange for Medieval Studies, and purple for the TEFL division.