Beiträge auf der 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014)

Die Professur für Anwendungssysteme und E-Business war mit vier Beiträgen auf der 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014), die vom 7. bis zum 9. August 2014 in Savannah (Georgia, USA) stattfand, vertreten.

Stefan Gröger referierte zum Thema "Do Universities Get the Hang of Working Efficiently? A Survey of the Influencing Factors on the Adoption of Electronic Document and Workflow Management in German-speaking Countries".

  • Efficiency enhancement and process improvement are very relevant topics in public institutions like (state) universities. In this context, electronic document and workflow management (EDWM) is very important, because many administrative and paper-based processes which include various documents exist in universities and consequently, potentials for process improvements are present. The first objective of this article is to investigate the dissemination of information systems (IS) that support the electronic management of documents and processes in order to get an overview about the current situation. Since we found that only a minor proportion of the universities use such IS, our second objective was to identify starting points for increasing the adoption of these IS. This article contributes to knowledge base in two respects: First, the article draws researchers? attentions to EDWM in context of universities and illustrates needs for research. Second, important influencing factors on the adoption of EDWM in universities are presented.
  • Quellenangabe:
  • Gröger, S., Decker, J., Schumann, M.: Do Universities Get the Hang of Working Efficiently? A Survey of the Influencing Factors on the Adoption of Electronic Document and Workflow Management in German-speaking Countries, in: Proceedings AMCIS 2014, Savannah, 2014, S. 1-15.
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Hendrik Hilpert hielt einen Vortrag über "The Quest for Environmental Information - Towards a Mobile Application for GHG Emission Tracking in Meat Production Processes".

  • In the context of increasing greenhouse gas emissions, especially the meat processing industry is under pressure by the society to report their product's environmental impact, which is ten times higher than for products from vegetable origin. However, meat processing companies struggle with the collection and provision of detailed data, as production processes are complex and variable. Recent research showed that automated sensor systems could provide environment relevant information. Nonetheless, these sensors are not diffused in practice. One solution is the usage of mobile devices in production processes to collect environmental data for product carbon footprints. In this study, we present an action design research project, developing a mobile application for GHG emission data collection, using OCR algorithms for automated sensor read-out tasks. An evaluation showed that practitioners perceive the application to be efficient, thus coping with missing automated sensor systems for GHG emission reporting processes.
  • Quellenangabe:
  • Hilpert, H., Pilarski, B., Schumann, M.: The Quest for Environmental Information - Towards a Mobile Application for GHG Emission Tracking in Meat Production Processes, in: 20. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Savannah, USA, 2014, S. 1-10.
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Sebastian Rohmann präsentierte seinen Beitrag zum Thema "Social Software in New Product Development - State of Research and Future Research Directions".

  • Product development becomes increasingly collaborative and knowledge-intensive in today's industry. To gain competitive advantage an effective usage of information systems in new product development (NPD) is needed. Social software applications indicate further potential for usage in NPD, the so called "Product Development 2.0", which is poorly understood in research so far. The purpose of this article is to point out the current state of research in this area by means of a literature review, after which research gaps and future research directions are identified. The results indicate that social software applications are suitable to support tasks in all phases of the NPD process, but influencing factors and effects of the identified social software usage in NPD are poorly understood so far.
  • Quellenangabe:
  • Rohmann, S., Heuschneider, S., Schumann, M.: Social Software in New Product Development - State of Research and Future Research Directions, in: 20. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Savannah, USA, 2014, S. 1-12.
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Christian Tornack referierte zum Thema "How to Avoid Empty Chairs in IT Divisions? IS Supported Succession Management to Control Development and Retention of IT Professionals".

  • The IT profession possesses two main characteristics: an imbalance between demanded and available IT professionals, and a fast technological change, which constantly requires new IT competences. Hence, medium and large organizations that heavily rely on IT need methods to retain and develop the employees of their IT divisions in order to avoid vacancies. However, prior scientific research only examines this problem from an individual perspective, but it remains unknown how organizations can control the development and retention of IT professionals. In this paper, we reveal how IS supported succession management can help to control the development and retention of IT professionals. Therefore, we employ an exploratory interview study among 21 organizations. Our results indicate that succession management can be used to control the development and retention of IT professionals. Moreover, an IS support of
    succession management allows to extend the target group of IT professionals while costs are hold down.
  • Quellenangabe:
  • Tornack, C., Pilarski, B., Schumann, M.: How to Avoid Empty Chairs in IT Divisions? IS Supported Succession Management to Control Development and Retention of IT Professionals, in: 20. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Savannah, USA, 2014, S. 1-10.
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