Curriculum Vitae


1991-97 Full time student of geology at Universties of Kiel and Bremen, Germany

1997 Diploma thesis:

I. Quartärgeologische Kartierung im Maßstab 1:5000 im Raum Meyenburg - Seedorf, Blatt 2717 Schwanewede (TK 25), Germany.

II. Spurenelementanreicherung und Spurenmatrixtrennung in anoxischen Grundwässern durch Fällung von Eisenhydroxid - Spurenelementanalytik mit ICP-MS

1997-2001 Ph.D. student at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Bremen
2001 Ph.D thesis (Geology): Baggergut der Hafengruppe Bremen-Stadt in der Ziegelherstellung.

2002-2003 Research fellowship at the University of Bremen - European Graduate College EUROPROX

Jan. 2004- Research Fellow at Department of Sedimentology & Environmental Geology, University of Göttingen - head of sediment petrographic and sediment geochemistry laboratories

Sedimentation processes at the North Sea, Environmental geochemistry, Analytical methods