Translations to Arabic (Selection)

·     Aziz Al-Azmeh, Azminat al-Tārīkh: Mabāḥith fī Kitābat al-Tārīkh al-Islāmī  [Times of History: Universal Topics in Islamic Historiography], tr. Ali Rida Rizek. Beirut & Doha: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies 2020.


·     William Chittick, Istiʿādat al-ṭabīʿa al-bashariyya [“The Recovery of Human Nature”], tr. Ali Rida Rizek, Al-Maḥajja 26 (2013), pp. 28-41.


·     (Forthcoming 2021)

“Introduction, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2”, in Isaiah Berlin, ʿAks al-Tayyār [Against the Current], tr. Ali Rida Rizek (Beirut & Doha: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies).


·     (Forthcoming 2021)

Nasrollah Pourjavadi, Al-Ḥubb wa-l-istiʿmāl al-majāzī li-ṣūratay al-sukr wa-l-khamra fi-l-shiʿr al-Ṣūfī al-Fārisī, [“Love and the Metaphors of Wine and Drunkenness in Persian Sufi Poetry”], tr. Ali Rida Rizek, in H. Lawātī (ed.), Mashhadiyyat al-taṣawwuf wa-l-ʿirfān fī-l-dirāsāt al-gharbiyya. Baghdad: Dār Naynawā 2021.


·     (Forthcoming 2021)

Stephen Hirtenstein, Kaʿbat al-Sālikīn. Al-Ḥikma al-Takʿībiyya fī-l-qalb ʿinda Ibn ʿArabī [“The Mystic’s Kaʿba. The cubic wisdom of the heart according to Ibn ʿArabī”], in H. Lawātī (ed.), Mashhadiyyat al-taṣawwuf wa-l-ʿirfān fī-l-dirāsāt al-gharbiyya. Baghdad: Dār Naynawā 2021.