Douglas-fir plantations in Germany show pronounced differences in growth and vitality. Specifically, German seed stands often show a similar or even higher vitality and better growth than plantations established from seeds of North American origin. It is known for other conifers that epigenetic factors can enable a rapid physiological adaptation to changing environmental conditions potentially facilitating long-term evolutionary adaptations. The main aim of the project is to uncover the genetic and epigenetic basis of yield-determining characteristics in Douglas-fir using modern sequencing and genotyping methods. The comparative analysis of progeny from German and North American seed stands enables the quantification of genetic and epigenetic effects on yield-related traits.
To determine the genetic and epigenetic basis of yield determining characteristics in Douglas-fir, we will identify genetic and epigenetic variants associated with yield-determining traits using Next Generation Sequencing approaches (reduced representation bisulfite sequencing). Association genetic studies will be conducted to validate associations between genetic and epigenetic variants with phenotypic traits and to characterize the effect of Genotype x Environment interactions. Finally, genomic data will be used for the characterization and validation of the geographic origin of German seed stands in North America. The results of the project will be instrumental for the identification of seed stands and breeding populations (seed orchards) for the production of high-quality reproductive material with superior growth and adaptability under local environmental conditions in Germany.
Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft. (07/2020-07/2023)