Datum |
Redner |
Thema |
27.10.2010 |
Andrzej Majcherczyk, Urs Fisher |
Sicherheitseinweisung, S-1 Belehrung |
01.11.2010 |
Mohammad Tanbir Habib |
Functional analysis of the Sporisorium reilianum gene cluster 19A |
08.11.2010 |
Prof. Dr. Winfried Kurth |
Functional-structural plant modelling with the software GroIMP |
15.11.2010 |
Widi Sunaryo |
Secondary growth in the Arabidopsis hypocotyls |
22.11.2010 |
Prof. Dr. Jan Schirawski |
How smut fungi control their hosts |
29.11.2010 |
Carola Link |
Development of low-emission three-layer particle boards by using different species of bark |
06.12.2010 |
13.12.2010 |
Dejuan Ning |
N-responsive transcriptional networks in wood formation |
20.12.2010 |
Fabian Herz |
Effects of mineral additives on particleboard properties |
10.01.2011 |
Jin Xu
Auxin transport during leaf abscission in poplar |
17.01.2011 |
Dr. Marko Rohlfs |
Toxin formation in fungi - a defense against antagonistic insects? |
24.01.2011 | Till Heller |
Einfluss eines Landnutzungsgradienten auf die funktionelle Mykorrhiza-Diversität |
31.01.2011 | Marcus Euring |
07.02.2011 | Hua Bai Abt. Forstbotanik und Baumphysiologie Georg-August-Universität Göttingen |
Influence of nitrogen supply on secondary cell wall biosynthesis in poplar |

Prof. Dr. A. Polle
Department of Forest Botany and Tree Physiology
Büsgenweg 2
37077 Göttingen
Contact Office:
Nina-Christin Lindemann
Tel.: 0551-39 33482
Fax: 0551-39 22705
Email: Forstbotanik@uni-goettingen.de