Seminar SS 2009
Datum |
Redner |
Thema |
20.04.2009 |
Andrea Olbrich |
Sicherheitsbelehrung |
27.04.2009 |
Widi Sunaryo |
KNOX genes function during lignification in Arabidopsis |
04.05.2009 |
Martin Rühl |
Laccases of Coprinopsis cinerea: production and characterization |
11.05.2009 |
Dejuan Ning |
Analysis of the relationship between growth and lignin content |
18.05.2009 |
Sebastian Danz |
Modification of wheat protein bonded medium density fibreboards (MDF) by using organofunctional silanes |
25.05.2009 |
Guanwu Zhou |
FTIR Spectroscopy for wood analysis |
08.06.2009 |
Monica Navarro |
Fungal degradation of wood composites |
15.06.2010 |
Prof. Dr. K. Wiegand |
22.06.2009 |
Prof. Dr. D. Godbold |
29.06.2009 |
Banyat Cherdchim |
Influence of wood extractives on fungal wood degradation |
06.07.2009 |
Tina Schäfer |
13.07.2009 | Frauke Kleemann Abt. Forstbotanik und Baumphysiologie Georg-August-Universität Göttingen |
Diversity research on black poplar and aspen |

Prof. Dr. A. Polle
Department of Forest Botany and Tree Physiology
Büsgenweg 2
37077 Göttingen
Contact Office:
Nina-Christin Lindemann
Tel.: 0551-39 33482
Fax: 0551-39 22705