Band / Volume 42

  • Chunyan Xu, Martin Kappas, Stefan Hohnwald, Daniel Wyss, José Daniel Lencinas & Diego Mohr-Bell:
    Monitoring forest fire severity using time series of Landsat data - A case study of Lago Epuyén in Patagonia, Argentina.
    Geo-Öko: 5-38.

  • Leif Kullman & Lisa Öberg:
    Blatant pine (Pinus sylvestris) reclamation of treeline territory lost during the Little Ice Age - an aerial perspective in a warmer climate, depicted in the Swedish Scandes.
    Geo-Öko: 39-61.

  • Moritz Schäfer & Klaus Schützenmeister:
    Potentielle Lebensräume des Bibers in den Rheinauen bei Karlsruhe - Eine Habitatanalyse im Mündungsbereich der Alb (Oberrhein).
    Geo-Öko: 62-88.

  • Gerhard Gerold & Jürgen Grotheer:
    Bioklimatischer Bodentransekt und Kohlenstoffspeicherung unter Naturwald in der Madonie (Sizilien).
    Geo-Öko: 89-116.

  • 2021/3-4
    Band / Volume 42

  • Oyudari Vova, Martin Kappas, Pavel Groisman, Tsolmon Renchin & Steven Fassnacht:
    Development of a new soil moisture index using SMOS satellite soil moisture products: Case study in Southwestern Mongolia.
    Geo-Öko: 129-174.

  • Patrick Illiger, Bettina Holzweissig, Gerd Schmidt & Andrey Bondarovich:
    Assessment of the sustainability of three selected farms in the Southwestern Siberian steppe zone using the "REPRO" farm management model.
    Geo-Öko: 175-200.

  • Guyen Battuvshin & Lucas Menzel:
    Cost-effective, drone-based recording of a temperate coniferous forest leaf area index.
    Geo-Öko: 201-229.