Einsatz und Akzeptanz von Cookies und der Platform for Privacy Preferences

von Miriam Yom & Parand Rohani (2000)

1. Einleitung

2. Vergleichende Gegenüberstellung der Technologien

3. Potenziale der Identifizierungstechnologien

4. Risiken der Identifizierungstechnologien

5. Empirische Untersuchungen zum Einsatz und zur Akzeptanz von Cookies und P3P
5.1 Studienergebnisse in Deutschland und den USA
5.2 Empirische Untersuchung zum Einsatz von Cookies
5.3 Empirische Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz von Cookies und P3P

6. Zukunft der Identifizierungstechnologien und ihre Implikationen für das Marketing 18




After the world wide web has been established successfully as a medium for advertising and sales, new technologies are being used, which make it possible to identify single users and construct profiles of using habits and consumers in a certain way. So far cookies are used, while the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) is about to be implemented. The wish to identify already existing and future customers basically results from marketing ideas like Relationship-Marketing or One-to-One-Marketing. A possible solution has been discussed with the help of personalized websites, Targeting and Collaborative Filtering. For customers the use of such systems is associated with a possible loss of anonymity as well as the fear of misuse of personal data.
An empirical study has shown that cookies are widely known. The users´ evaluation concerning this technology can be described as serene. Risks as well as potential usefulness are judged realistically by the vast majority of all those asked. Asked people appeared to be very open-minded about the introduction of the P3P-system. More than 80 per cent stated they would use the system from now on or in the fu-ture, so that a wide penetration of the system can be expected.