Zur Wirkung der Interstitialwerbung im World Wide Web

von Wilhelm, T.H., Scheffelmeier, M. & Stalla, C. (2000).

1. Einleitung

2. Werbeformen auf redaktionellen Web-Sites – Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten

3. Informations- und Entscheidungsverhalten bei der Web-Nutzung –intrinsisch vs. extrinsisch motiviertes Interaktionsverhalten

4. Anlage und Durchführung einer Studie zur Wirkung von Interstitialwerbung

5. Darstellung der Ergebnisse

6. Empfehlungen zum Einsatz und zur Gestaltung von Interstitialwerbung




This work picks out the effects of interstitial ads in the world wide web as a central theme. First common grounds and differences of various advertising mediums – such as banners, pop-ups and interstitials – are brought out. It turns out that both extreme cases – banner ads and interstitial ads – differ above all in the features advertisement budget, exclusiveness in the use of advertising mediums and the recognized interruption in the use process. The influence of the use process interruption on the advertising effect of interstitials is to the fore. Based on theoretical consideration and the results of an online panel survey typical forms of web usage have been brought out and described: Intrinsisch und extrinsisch motiviertes Inter-aktions-verhalten. The statements of the Rubikonmodell der Handlungsphasen are the basis to formulate theses for the effects of interstitials on differently motivated web-users. An experimental study in a laboratory is used to prove the hypotheses. Based on the theoretical and empirical findings advices are given for the use and forming of interstitials.