M.Cp.0018 Journal Club on New Topics in Crop Protection (3ECTS)

Prof. A.v. Tiedemann, Division of Plant Pathology and Crop Protection ,
Type of instruction and contact hours
Lecture 14h / Seminar,14 h
Frequency and duration
Summer, one semester
Prof. A.v. Tiedemann, Dr. S. Weigand, Prof. P. Karlovsky, Prof. M. Rostas, Dr. J. Wagner, Dr. R. Dücker

Contents :
In the introductory part methods will be presented how to collect and read scientific literature dealing with a specific topic. The composition and structure of scientific publications, the methods and ways of presentation and proving ideas are studied using specific examples. Criteria for quality assessment are applied. Students will prepare a presentation including a written summary analysing a scientific paper on selected topics in crop protection, which will be presented to the participants and lecturers and discussed.

Students learn how to assess and discuss a scientific subject in crop protection: They will be able to give written and oral presentations of a scientific paper and to critically judge the didactic, structure and scientific content and correctness of a scientific paper.

Presentation (15 minutes) and written summary (3 pages) of a scientific paper, participation in discussion.

Number of students