Data and Software

Data on Professorengehälter
As part of the DFG-financed Project Die Entwicklung der Professorengehälter in Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert, I have gathered data on professorial salaries in Germany. The data can be obtained via the site of the article, which can be found here.
I thank the German Research Foundation for funding of this project and the visited university archives for their friendly support.
Clio Package
The R package clio contains provides functions for pareto interpolation as well as functions for the visualisation of income distribution dynamics. The package is provided in .zip and tar.gz format:

Acid Package
The R package acid provides functions for the analysis of income distributions for subgroups of the population as defined by a set of variables like age, gender, region, etc. This package thus aides the analysis of income inequality by offering tools for the exploratory analysis of income distributions at the disaggregated level. Version 1.1 can be downloaded from CRAN.