U4 Workshop on Medical Law
From 29 September till 1 October 2015 the first U4 Workshop on Medical Law was hosted by the Centre for Medical Law of the University of Göttingen.
20 professors, postdocs and PhD students from the Universities of Uppsala, Groningen and Göttingen presented their research projects in order to identify common research questions and to discuss them from different points of view. The subjects of discussion ranged from issues of reproductive medicine to ethical problems of biobanks and medical research to different concepts of protection of adults with mental disorders, doctoral confidentiality and supervision of public healthcare.
The aim of the workshop to provide an opportunity to share results of research beyond national borders was achieved successfully. Different and similar approaches were pointed out in intense discussions and it became apparent that the discussed issues need to be addressed by all national legal systems.
The workshop successfully fostered cooperation between the U4 Universities in the field of Medical Law and it was decided to hold a second U4 Workshop at the University of Uppsala in 2017.