VSMEP Bibliography

Oliver Bock, 'C. Maier's Use of a Reagent in the Vercelli Book', The Library 16:3 (2015), 249-281.

Gionata Brusa, 'I manoscritti agiografici della Biblioteca Capitolare di Vercelli con un'appendice sui frammenti', Analecta Bollandiana, 134/1 (2016), 100-148.

Paul S. Langeslag, "The Vercelli Fragment of Karel ende Elegast and Dat boec van den houte." Bollettino Storico Vercellese 85 (2015): 5-37.

Timoty Leonardi & M. L. Russo, 'Managing Cultural Heritage beyond Professional Boundaries: Problem or Opportunity?', Annual Review of Cultural Heritage Informatics (ARCHI) (2016), 107-116.

Winfried Rudolf & Timoty Leonardi, eds., An English Prayerbook of the Fifteenth Century in Vercelli - Studies in the Palaeography and History of Vercelli, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS CCXXV (Vercelli: Gallo, 2012), with contributions by VSMEP students Io Pinnerup (Denmark), Juliette Vuille (Switzerland), Zachery Stone (United States), Matthew Parkinson-Bennett (Ireland), Kate Fullbrook (United Kingdom), Valentina Ibertis (Italy)

Ira Rabin, Oliver Hahn, Roger Easton, Jr., Keith T. Knox, Ken Boydston, Gregory Heyworth, Timoty Leonardi, and Michael Phelps, 'Initial Inspection of Reagent Damage to the Vercelli Book', Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin 1 (2015), 17-29.

Winfried Rudolf, 'Middle English Texts in a Vercelli Manuscript', The Library 12:4 (2011), 413-22.

Winfried Rudolf, 'Quoting and Translating Latin in the Old English Homilies of the Vercelli Book', in The Pragmatics of Quoting Now and Then, ed. Jenny Arendholz, Wolfram Bublitz and Monika Kirner (Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, 2015), 271-290.

Jennifer Shurville, 'The Ecclesia Rotulus and the Seven Seals: Two Recently Discovered Theological Diagrams in Vercelli', Bolletino Storico Vercellese 79 (2014), 59-84.

Giacomo Vignodelli, 'I palinsesti del codice CLXXI della Biblioteca Capitolare Eusebiana', Bolletino Storico Vercellese 86 (2016), 5-36.