Further activities


• Participation in the expert discussion of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection “Introduction of a non-admission complaint in the FamFG”, March 2023


• Member of the working group of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection “Honorary office and health care proxy (including improving the financial situation of care associations)“, 2018-2019

• Member of the working group of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection “Strengthening the right of self-determination of those affected in the appointment and selection of guardians and in the management of guardianship; ensuring the quality of guardianship management by the guardianship courts”, 2018-2019

• Member of the working group of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection on the reform of guardianship law, 2018-2019


• Member of the working group of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection “Child maintenance after separation and divorce”, 2016-2017

• Member of the project advisory board of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection on the “Research project on the implementation of the principle of necessity in care law practice with regard to upstream ‘’other assistance‘’ with special consideration of the Act to Strengthen the Functions of the Care Authority, which came into force on July 1, 2014”, 2016-2017


• Participation in the symposium of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection “Maintenance Law”, May 2015


• Project series “Theater & Law”
more information


• Member of the interdisciplinary working group of the Federal Ministry of Justice on the reform of guardianship law, 2011-2012


• Public hearing as an expert before the Legal Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag on the draft of a third law to amend the guardianship law (3rd Guardianship Law Amendment Act - 3rd BtÄndG), Bundestag printed paper 16/8442, and other draft laws to regulate living wills, 04th March 2009


• Colloquium on guardianship law in Germany and guardianship law in Japan
(Organizer: Prof. Dr. Tayama, Waseda University, Japan), Bonn, 19th March 2008

• Vormundschaftsgerichtstag Mitte,
Scientific support (Organizer: Betreuungsbehörde Stadt Kassel), 19th June 2008


• Project partner (scientific support) of the Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung e.V. in the EU project “Justice, Rights and Inclusion for People with intellectual disabilities”, 2003-2005

• Taunus-Winter-School 2005 Family vs. patient autonomy, interdisciplinary postgraduate program, 14th and 16th February 2005

• Panel discussion of the Göttingen Law Student Council on the topic of euthanasia and living wills, 31st May 2005

• Lecture series on the topic of “Self-determination at the end of life”
Organizer, together with Prof. Dr. Kettler (Department of Human Medicine), Prof. Dr. Duttge (Faculty of Law), Prof. Dr. Anselm (Faculty of Theology) and Dr. Simon (Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin e.V. Göttingen), winter semester 2005/2006


• Member of the interdisciplinary working group “Patient autonomy at the end of life” of the Federal Ministry of Justice, 2003-2004
Report of the working group from 10th June 2004

• Public hearing as an expert before the Legal Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag on the draft of a law to amend the guardianship law (2nd Guardianship Law Amendment Act - 2nd BtÄndG), Bundestag printed matter 15/2494, published as minutes of the 49th session of the Legal Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag (15th legislative period), 26th May 2004

• Euthanasia
Interview for the Göttinger Tageblatt together with Prof. Dr. Hans-Ludwig Schreiber, Göttingen, 09th July 2004

• Project “Civil Procedure Practice in International Comparison” (academic support for the EU project of the Higher Regional Court of Braunschweig), 2004/2005


• Hearing as an expert before the federal-state working group “Betreuungsrecht”, Düsseldorf, 25th August 2003

• Project partner (scientific support) of the Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung e.V. in the EU project “Justice, Rights and Inclusion for People with intellectual disabilities”, 2003 - 2005

• Member of the interdisciplinary working group “Patient autonomy at the end of life” of the Federal Ministry of Justice, 2003 - 2004
eport of the working group from 10th June 2004


• Member of the Christian Living Will Working Group of the EKD and the German Bishops' Conference


• Vorsorgevollmacht und Patientenverfügung
Expert in the program: INFORMARKT on Südwest Fernsehen, 10th September 2001

• Selbstbestimmung am Ende des Lebens
Interview on Hessischer Rundfunk (HR 4), 14th November 2001