Related publications

I. Editions of the Sourcebook
Aebi, M.F., Akdeniz, G., Barclay, G., Campistol, C., Caneppele, S., Gruszczyńska, B., Heiskanen, M., Hysi, V., Jehle, J.-M., Jokinen, A., Kensey, A., Killias, M., Lewis, C.G., Savona, E., Smit, P. & Þorisdottir, R. (2014). European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics - 2014. 5th edition. Helsinki: HEUNI 2014.
Aebi, M.F., Aubusson de Cavarlay, B., Barclay, G., Gruszczyńska, B., Harrendorf, S., Heiskanen, M., Hysi, V., Jaquier, V., Jehle, J-M., Killias, M., Shostko, O., Smit, P. & Þorisdottir, R. (2010). European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics - 2010. 4th edition. Den Haag: Boom.
Aebi, M.F., Aromaa, K., Aubusson de Cavarlay, B., Barclay, G., Gruszczyńska, B., Hofer, H. v., Hysi, V., Jehle, J.-M., Killias, M., Smit, P. & Tavares, C. (2006). European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics - 2006. 3rd edition. Den Haag: Boom.
Aebi, M.F., Aromaa, K., Aubusson de Cavarlay, B., Barclay, G.,Gruszczyńska, B., Hofer, H. v., Hysi, V., Jehle, J.-M., Killias, M., Smit, P. & Tavares, C. (2003). European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics - 2003. 2nd edition. Den Haag: Boom.
Council of Europe (2000). European sourcebook of crime and criminal justice statistics. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

II. Project reports
Heiskanen, M., Aebi, M.F., van der Brugge, W. & Jehle, J.-M. (eds., 2014). Recording Community Sanctions and Measures and Assessing Attrition. A Methodological Study on Comparative Data in Europe. Helsinki: HEUNI.
Jehle, J.-M. & Harrendorf, S. (eds., 2010). Defining and Registering Criminal Offences and Measures. Standards for a European Comparison. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.

III. Articles
Only publications involving staff members of the department; for other publications on the Sourcebook, see
"". Publications on the prosecution studies that built on experiences made during the European Sourcebook project are also not included in this list. They can instead be found here.

Heiskanen, M., van der Brugge, W. & Jehle, J.-M. (2014). Aims of the Project. In: Heiskanen, M., Aebi, M.F., van der Brugge, W. & Jehle, J.-M. (eds.). Recording Community Sanctions and Measures and Assessing Attrition. A Methodological Study on Comparative Data in Europe. Helsinki: HEUNI, pp. 15 - 21.

Palmowski, N., Campistol, C., Jehle, J.-M. & van Kalmthout, A. (2014). Community Sanctions and Measures and Probation Agencies. In: Heiskanen, M., Aebi, M.F., van der Brugge, W. & Jehle, J.-M. (eds.). Recording Community Sanctions and Measures and Assessing Attrition. A Methodological Study on Comparative Data in Europe. Helsinki: HEUNI, pp. 22 - 125.

Harrendorf, S., Jehle, J.-M. & Smit, P. (2014). Attrition. In: Heiskanen, M., Aebi, M.F., van der Brugge, W. & Jehle, J.-M. (eds.). Recording Community Sanctions and Measures and Assessing Attrition. A Methodological Study on Comparative Data in Europe. Helsinki: HEUNI, pp. 126 - 142.

Harrendorf, S. (2014). Offense Definitions' Impact on Criminal Justice Data Quality. In: Michalos, A. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 4471 - 4477.

Jehle, J.-M. (2013). Selektion in europäischen Kriminaljustizystemen am Beispiel der Sexualdelikte. In: Boers, K., Feltes, T., Kinzig, J., Sherman, L.W., Streng, F. & Trüg, G. (eds.), Kriminologie - Kriminalpolitik ? Strafrecht. Festschrift für Hans-Jürgen Kerner zum 70. Geburtstag. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr 2013, pp. 711 - 725.

Jehle, J.-M. & Harrendorf, S. (2013). How to Record Data on Community Sanctions and Measures and the Work of Probation Agencies across Europe. The Approach of the European Sourcebook. In: Caneppele, S. & Calderoni, F. (eds.). Organized Crime, Corruption and Crime Prevention. Essays in Honour of Ernesto U. Savona. Cham: Springer, pp. 93 - 101.

Harrendorf, S. (2013). Towards Comparable International Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics. Where Do We Stand? What Can We Expect? In: Kuhn, A., Schwarzenegger, C., Margot, P., Donatsch, A., Aebi, M.F. & Jositsch, D. (eds.). Kriminologie, Kriminalpolitik und Strafrecht aus internationaler Perspektive. Festschrift für Martin Killias zum 65. Geburtstag. Zürich: Stämpfli 2013, pp. 131 - 147.

Jehle, J.-M. (2013). Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe. The Approach of the European Sourcebook. In: Kuhn, A., Schwarzenegger, C., Margot, P., Donatsch, A., Aebi, M.F. & Jositsch, D. (eds.). Kriminologie, Kriminalpolitik und Strafrecht aus internationaler Perspektive. Festschrift für Martin Killias zum 65. Geburtstag. Zürich: Stämpfli 2013, pp. 191 - 205.

Harrendorf, S. (2013). Methodische Überlegungen zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen vergleichender Punitivitätsmessung auf der Grundlage internationaler Kriminalitätssurveys. In: Dölling, D. & Jehle, J.-M. (eds.). Täter-Taten-Opfer. Grundlagenfragen und aktuelle Probleme der Kriminalität. Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg 2013, pp. 785 - 806.

Jehle, J.-M. (2012). How to Improve the International Comparability of Crime Statistics. In: Joutsen, M. (ed.). New Types of Crime. Proceedings of the International Seminar Held in Connection with HEUNI's Thirtieth Anniversary. Helsinki: HEUNI, pp. 134 - 140.

Jehle, J.-M. (2012). Editor Introduction. In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 18, pp. 1 - 3.

Harrendorf, S. (2012). Offence Definitions in the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics and Their Influence on Data Quality and Comparability. In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 18, pp. 23 - 53.

Jehle, J.-M. (2012). Attrition and Conviction Rates of Sexual Offences in Europe. Definitions and Criminal Justice Responses. In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 18, pp. 145 - 161.

Harrendorf, S. (2011). How to Measure Punitiveness in Global Perspective. What Can be Learned from International Survey Data. In: Kury, H. & Shea, E. (eds.): Punitivity. International Developments. Vol. 1: Punitiveness - a Global Phenomenon? Bochum: Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer 2011, pp. 125 - 148.

Jehle, J.-M. (2000). Prosecution in Europe. Varying Structures, Convergent Trends. In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 8, pp. 27 - 41.

Jehle, J.-M. (1999). Verschiedene Modelle der Staatsanwaltschaften und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Praxis der Strafverfolgung. In: Geisler, Claudius (ed.): Das Ermittlungsverhalten der Polizei und die Einstellungspraxis der Staatsanwaltschaften. Wiesbaden: Kriminologische Zentralstelle e.V., 1999, (Kriminologie und Praxis Bd. 28), pp. 229 - 240.

Jehle, J.-M. (1998). Kriminalität, Strafverfolgung und Strafrechtspflege im europäischen Vergleich. In: Schwind, H.-D., Kube, E. & Kühne, H.-H. (eds.). Kriminologie an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Festschrift für Hans Joachim Schneider zum 70. Geburtstag. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 509 - 522.