MSDN Academic Alliance / Microsoft-Imagine

As part of the MSDNAA/Microsoft-Imagine, Microsoft provides students with a variety of software products for teaching and research purposes, such as

  • Development environments (Visual Studio),
  • Operating systems (Windows) and
  • Modeling tools (Visio)

free of charge (MSOffice is not included in the MSDNAA/Microsoft-Imagine).


Students who wish to have access to the Microsoft Imagine software must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be a currently enrolled student of economics,
  • you must have taken or have taken at least one module / course of the Institute of Business Informatics and have registered for the exam
  • and have read and accepted the license terms (

Required verification

If these requirements are met, you can request access to the Microsoft-operated electronic distribution platform Microsoft-Imagine by sending an email to the administrator. Please attach the following proofs to the e-mail: wirtinf[at]

  • Immatrikulationsbescheinigung
  • FlexNow-Leistungsnachweis (PDF), Format "für Studienberatung". Further, irrelevant information may be blacked out. (e.g. notes).

Please also enter your valid StudIT email address.

By sending this email, you agree to the legal conditions (see above) and the storage of your StudIT email address in the above distribution platform. After setting up the access authorization, you will receive an automatically generated email with all necessary access information to your StudIT email address.