• Work Package 3 – Ecology
WP3 focuses on ecological studies and aims to determine the effects of cooperative and landscape-scale AUM on biodiversity and ecosystem services. For this purpose (a) threshold values of the area shares of perennial flowering areas at landscape level are to be determined and examined in relation to their effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services. In addition, (b) the optimal configuration of perennial flower strips at landscape level for the promotion of biodiversity and ecosystem services should be identified. The mode of action of the flowering area components and their spatial configuration should (c) be analyzed taking into account the landscape composition. The results will be incorporated into a GIS-based, spatially explicit decision support tool (WP5) in order to (d) support the cooperative development of regional biodiversity objectives and landscape-scale measures for the long-term promotion of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
The University of Göttingen is responsible for WP 3.