Temporary civil servants (junior professorships, tenure-track positions, temporary academic councillors)

For temporary civil servants, the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG) and the Regulations for the Appointment of Junior Professors and Temporary Professors and Tenure-Track Professors (BaZ-TT-O) are decisive.
Here, an extension of the civil servant relationship is possible due to maternal leave, parental leave, special leave and part-time employment (§ 21a NHG). Please contact the person responsible for you in the Human Resources Department.
The interim evaluation or evaluation is postponed by the corresponding period (BaZ-TT-O §25).
In addition to the birth of a child, an extension of the deadline for the interim evaluation can also be applied for if minor children or relatives have to be cared for, as well as in the case of your own chronic illness or disability. When postponing the deadline, however, the duration of the professorship shall be taken into account appropriately. (BaZ-TT-O § 25).